Dinner Party

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Lately Jeff has been spending more time at my house. He comes over every so often, usually when either no one else is home or it's late at night. Today my family is home, which would usually be pretty risky, but they're going to the country club soon like they do every Wednesday night. So, I thought we could just chill in my room till they leave. Since he seemed to like that game I was playing on my computer, I opened a similar one on my Nintendo for us to play. 

We take turns playing but I just can't seem to keep myself focused. For some reason I feel so hyper aware of every movement Jeff makes. The closeness, his arm brushing against mine when we pass the switch over, and just how normal he is. No one would believe me if I told them what he was like from my perspective. A knife wielding serial killer sitting next to me, calmly watching me walk around in a game? They would immediately say I was lying. Even the people that know him, like Jane or that guy Eyeless Jack, Jeff acts aggressive with. I don't know, maybe it's just because of the situation he's in, but I feel like there's something different about him when he talks to me versus other people. Even with how he talks to me now versus when we first met. 

Ah, I'm probably imagining things. I glance over to Jeff sitting next to me, he's leaning over to see the Nintendo Switch I'm playing on. He looks so...soft? His eyes shift to mine, and I quickly tear away eye contact, looking back at the Nintendo. 

"You keep walking into the wall." Jeff points out, questioning what the hell I'm doing with the controller. 

"Oh, whoops." I laugh it off, forcing myself out of my thoughts. I go back to playing the game, forgetting what I was supposed to be doing. 

"You're supposed to find Larry, not talk to David." Jeff points at the screen complaining to me how I'm not doing it right. 

"Ah, I see." I say, embarrassed with myself for getting distracted. I walk around in the game for a few minutes. "Wait where is-" Jeff cuts me off by taking the controller out of my hands. "You just needed to tell me, not take the whole controller." I roll my eyes at him in annoyance. 

"Well, you obviously weren't paying much attention to the game anyways." He retorts, moving the character to where he needed to be. I let out a sigh and relaxed my arm down by my side. 
He's not wrong. I need to get my shit together; I don't know why I can't just stop thinking about this. Maybe it's just cause' we're sitting so close, once my family leaves, we can go somewhere else. 

Wait, shouldn't they have left already? They usually would have left like thirty minutes ago.

"Stay here, I'm gonna check on something quick." I tell Jeff and he nods his head in response. I walk out my door, closing it behind me. I walk down the hallway and see my dad standing on the stairs, tying his tie. "Weren't you supposed to leave for the country club thirty minutes ago?" I ask him, confused why he's still here. 

My dad looked up at me, annoyance spread across his face. "We have a dinner party in five minutes with some very important people from my company. Which you will be attending and should've already been dressed for!" I stand there, in shock of the suddenness of the plans I didn't know had been made. My dad waves at me quickly to go and I shuffle away back into my room. I shut the door and locked it, hurrying off to the closet to find my suit. 

"What's going on?" Jeff asks from the floor, confusion laced in his voice. 

I dig around in my closet, "Apparently, we're having a dinner party at my house tonight. An important one too, which means I have to put on a suit and look presentable." I complained to him while wearing a t-shirt and plaid pj pants. 

"That sucks, I'm just going to stay here and keep playing this, I want to get to the part where he kills everybody." Jeff states with a smile.

"Yeah, whatever dude." I respond, wishing I could do the same.

Finally, I found my suit, which is dark red and white. I got it for homecoming a while back and pretty much haven't worn it since. I rush off into the bathroom connected to the room, not bothering to close the door. I undress quickly and put the suit on, smoothing it out and looking in the mirror. It's a little tight after gaining a little muscle mass from a car repair shop I worked at over the summer. I brush my fingers through my hair, fixing it until I'm satisfied. I walk back into my bedroom to look in my full body mirror, smoothing the wrinkles in my pants out.

"Damn." Jeff states and I turn around to look at him.

"What?" I ask, wanting clarification.

"You look like you're about to go to a wedding." He laughs, looking up from the screen.

"Hah Hah" I mock. "Well, my dad would scream at me if I didn't dress like this tonight. And I guess I must attend because it's a family thing." I roll my eyes at the boredom that I know is about to follow. The doorbell rings and I wave bye to Jeff before walking out of my room into the hallway. The front door is open and a man, woman, and girl a little younger than me step in. I walk down the stairs to stand next to Scott, who is already there to greet them at the door. 

"Scott, (Y/n), meet Tom and Wanda Gibson and their daughter Maisy." My Dad introduces them to us, and we wave back. Apparently, Tom Gibson is his boss and one of the heads of the company, which is why this dinner is important. My Dad is really trying anything he can to move up in the company. 

"Alright, boys you can go take a seat at the table. You too Maisy." My Dad tells us before continuing to chat it up with the couple. I go to sit down in a chair near the end of the table, Scott sits across from me, and Maisy sits farther down on the opposite side of me. We sit there awkwardly, not saying anything to each other. Eventually we all just pulled our phones out because what else was there to do? I slide my phone screen around, thinking about what app to open, not really finding any of them entertaining at the moment. If only I could text Jeff somehow, but I don't think he even has a phone. Makes sense he doesn't have one so that the government can't track him, but it would be fun. As it starts to feel like the parents are never gonna actually sit down, I get the urge to just ditch this and go back into my room. However, before I can, they finally walk over to the table and take a seat. I inwardly pout, counting down the seconds till this is over. Rachel walks over with the food, setting it down on the table before sitting down next to Scott, across from my dad. My Dad nudges me to put my phone away and I do so, shoving it in my pocket. 

"So, how are you doing?" I overhear Rachel ask Wanda.

"We're doing good! Maisy is doing great in school and work is going well for Tom. I'm mostly looking forward to going to our lake house for the weekend!" Wanda exclaims joyfully. "How about you? How are you doing after losing Lucille?" Wanda's tone changes to concern. 

"Ah, I'm doing a bit better than before." Rachel states shortly, swallowing uncomfortably before taking a bite out of her food. 

"Have they caught the guy yet?" Tom cuts in, talking with his mouth full. 

"Sadly not, apparently he's pretty hard to pinpoint." My Dad sighs, taking a sip of his wine. 'Who knows, he could be in my bed right now' I think, struggling to keep down a laugh at the way I phrased that in my head. 

"I'm gonna catch him!" Maisy proclaims excitedly, seeming pretty confident in herself. 

"Oh really?" I say sarcastically and my dad kicks me lightly under the table, silently telling me to keep my mouth shut and not cause problems. Scott looks at me with his eyebrows raised, not used to me being so upfront.

"Yes, Maisy is thinking of becoming a detective. She's in a Criminal Law class right now and is planning on doing a mentorship later this fall." Wanda explains and Maisy proudly smiles beside her. Even though I'm confident in Jeff's ability to stay away from the law, that's still a little worrisome to hear. Especially after hearing that Jeff isn't under his usual protection from the police. The topic shifts to business stuff after that, and I tune it out. 

After dinner Wanda helps Rachel bring the dishes in and me, Scott, and Maisy are sent to the living room to sit and "hang out" while the dad's talk about more private business matters.

"Can I just go back upstairs?" I asked my dad, bored out of my mind.

"No (Y/n), stay down here and chat with Maisy, she seems like a nice girl." My Dad winks at me, insinuating that I should date Maisy. I groan and stomp off into the living room. The only reason he's even saying that is because it might get him a bump up in the company, so weird. Besides I...nevermind. 

"What's this?" Maisy points to a spot on the couch. I glance at it, it's a drop of blood near where Jeff had been sitting a week ago. It must've rubbed off his clothes or something.

"Oh, I cut my finger on a can, I must've got it on the couch." I lie, trying to cover it up as quickly as I can.

Maisy crinkles her nose, "Okay." She states, grossed out, before moving to sit on a different couch. I sat down on the couch she just moved away from, taking my phone out to pass the time again. I scroll through Instagram, liking Elliot's post of his dog, when I get a message from myself? I tap on it, confused about how I'm getting a message from myself. 

I found your old iPad.

A grainy selfie of Jeff pops up next to the text and I laugh. I guess there is a way to text him after all.

"What're you laughing about?" Scott asks, nosy as ever. 

"A meme." I lie and wave him off, still smiling. Scott doesn't reply, he just turns back to his own phone where he's playing some shooting game.

Man, that's cool I didn't know you could text me on that

I respond to him, and we go back and forth like that until it's finally time for the Gibsons to leave. Since they live just up the street from here, they didn't have to leave early because of a long drive or anything. I waved goodbye to them out of courtesy and ran back up to my room, glad to be done with that. When I get back to my room, I make sure to lock the door, so no one enters abruptly. 

I sigh and flop down on my bed next to Jeff. "I'm so fucking glad that thing is over." I announce tiredly. Jeff just laughs and faces me.

"What did they even talk about? Bullshit rich stuff?" He asks, knowing from how fancy I had to dress up that these people were probably super rich. Which he was right in assuming. 

"Yeah, like they're going to some fancy lake house this weekend or something. They live in that massive house up the street to put it into perspective." I told him. 

"The house with the fountain?" He asks, leaning forward.

"Yeah, that one." I yawn, putting my hand over my mouth. "Oh, also there was this whole thing where their daughter was talking about how she was gonna catch you, or whatever. I doubt she would be able to, honestly." I laugh and turn towards him.

Jeff stands up, getting out of my bed. "You know what we should do?" He asks me excitedly.

I sat up, "What?" I question, cocking my head to the side.

"We should break in!" He exclaims, smiling maliciously. I took a minute to think about it. "You know, like renting the house out for the night. It would be fun; I could show that girl who she's really wanting to mess with." Jeff continues, grinning.  I bite my cheek, thinking about it.

"Promise we won't get caught?" I ask and Jeff nods. I put my hand out for him to shake, to seal it. Jeff shakes it eagerly in return. "Alright, I overheard they leave early Friday afternoon so we can meet in the forest behind the house if that works?" I propose before lying back down on the bed comfortably.

"Yes, deal." Jeff agrees and heads to the window to jump down.

"Oh wait." I stop him, suddenly thinking about something. "Keep the iPad, you can text me on it and since it's so old and not under your name no one would think about tracking you from it." I get up from my bed and hand him back the iPad. Jeff thanks me and stuffs it in his hoodie pocket before continuing to leave out the window. After he left, although exhausted, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that our time together was cut short. At least it won't be too long till I see him again.

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