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The credits of the movie begin to roll. By now we've finished the whole pizza, and the empty cardboard box is sitting on the floor. 

"I'm thirsty." Jeff speaks up, breaking the silence. I watch him as he gets up and walks over to the kitchen. He looks around before opening a pair of big doors and stops. "(Y/n), come here." He calls excitedly from across the room. 

"What?" I ask, turning around fully so I can see what he's talking about. Jeff leans into the closet, grabbing something. He comes out holding a bottle of wine, jostling it around and smiling at me. 

"No way." I scoff, I've seen how Lucy and Trent were when drunk, I doubt anything good would happen if I drank anything.

"Come on, it'll be fun." He leans over the back of the couch, teasing me with it. I'm still not so sure though. I can agree that it would be fun and would get me to relax, but on the other hand I really don't know what will happen. "Just for tonight, (Y/n), I mean, what else is there to do?" He does make a point there...I guess it does give us something to do.

Alright. I grab the bottle out of his hand, pop the cork and take a swig out of it. It's bittersweet and makes my chest feel warm, but it does feel good. "That's my (Y/n)." Jeff says proudly as he climbs over onto the couch, sitting next to me. He then takes the bottle back and takes a chug out of it himself. "You go get your own." He tells me. Did he not learn how to share?

I punch him lightly in the stomach so that he loses grip of the bottle and I take it back. "No, I drank out of it first, so you need to go get your own." I tease, pulling the bottle away from him. To be completely honest I just don't want to get up. Jeff, annoyed about me taking the bottle, pounces at me to take it back out of my arms. Jeff yanks the uncorked bottle causing red wine to splash everywhere including on us and the white carpet.

"Well shit." Jeff announced, looking at the mess surrounding us. 

"I guess we're both gonna need to get up and grab a new one." I groan, standing up from the couch and stretching. I followed Jeff to the wine closet, which had a wide selection of alcoholic drinks. Whiskey, Vodka, Brandy, Tequila, etc. I just grabbed a bottle of wine with an interesting label because it was the only alcohol I've tasted before and I didn't think I'd like the others. Jeff grabs a bottle of Jack Daniel's and pops it open, taking a sip.

"So..." Jeff says, not sure what to do next.

"Wanna play never have I ever?" I suggest. It's a drinking game so it could be fun. Plus, he begged me to drink so I've got to get some fun out of it too. Jeff shrugs in response and nods his head. We both walk out of the closet and back into the living room where we sit facing each other.

"Alright so if you have done something then you take a sip, and if you haven't you don't. But you want to be the one who has the fullest bottle still at the end." I explained the rules to the game. 

"Okay, cool." Jeff replies, cradling the bottle of Jack Daniel's in his hands.

"Here, I'll go first. Never have I ever vandalized something." I lean back onto the couch.

"What? You know I have; I literally just broke all those cameras. How is this fair?" Jeff groans before taking a sip out of his drink. 

I giggle, "Sorry that's how the game works. Your turn now."

"Alright. Never have I ever not killed my parents." He says with a smirk, staring at me expectantly. I roll my eyes and take a swig of wine.

"Fine then, never have I ever killed my parents." I fight back with the opposite of his statement. Jeff sips slowly, staring at me, thinking about how to get me next. This game is honestly more difficult than I thought it would be, most of the stuff I know about him I've also done to a degree. Or something of the sorts has happened to me. 

"Never have I ever killed somebody with a gun." He states. I take another drink and glare at him while he snickers. See this is what I'm talking about, we've both killed people so to make it work he had to be extra specific.

"Okay, never have I ever cut my face." I fight back. 

"You have a scar on your face right now though." Jeff points out the cut Trent gave me, confused for a minute.

"No, I mean never have I ever cut myself on the face." I clarify and Jeff takes a swig at that. I can already feel that I'm starting to get tipsy.

"Never have I ever had (some defining trait)." Jeff grins, waiting for me to take another sip.

"Fuck off." I laugh as he takes a sip. So far all of these have been very targeted.

An hour later, and we've veered off the game. We're now sharing a new wine bottle since our other drinks were finished. "And so, I told him, I don't care about your stupid offer anymore! And I left." Jeff reminisces loudly as we lay on the floor of the living room in the house that isn't ours. We also now have rock music Jeff turned on that is blasting from a speaker that isn't ours either. 

"Damn." I reply, giggling out of drunkenness. 

"Yeah, usually when I leave, I come back after a day, but not this time. This time I haven't been bored enough to return!" He exclaims and grabs the bottle taking another sip. "And they told me I would come crawling back to them..." Jeff snickers and shakes his head at how he proved them wrong. 

"But you're here with me instead." I smile and look at Jeff, not thinking too hard about the words coming out of my mouth. Jeff hums and looks back at me, causing our eyes to meet. 

Jeff suddenly changes the subject, "Never have I ever been ticklish." He smirks slyly, awaiting a response.

"No comment." I say hesitantly and grab the bottle taking a small sip. That's all he needed to hear to start attacking me with his hands, knocking the bottle off me and onto the carpet again.

I screamed laughing while rolling around on the floor, knocking into the furniture. "Jeff...quit!" I gasped out words in between laughs. I shoved back at him, turning the tickling into play fighting. We're both laughing crazily, Jeff's smiling even bigger than before and he was kicking everything. To the point where the table is across the room now. We roll around on the floor wrestling with each other until we stop to breathe. I wipe the tears out of my eyes and look up at Jeff. We had landed where he was on top of me, holding himself up from the ground. I feel myself blush and get the sudden urge to kiss him. I don't know why, maybe it was because of the lack of inhibition, but I just want to, and by the light blush on Jeff's face I think he does too. 

"Never have I ever been kissed." I speak up impulsively, my voice barely above a whisper, but loud enough to hear at the proximity we're in. I start to regret what I said before Jeff smirks and smashes our lips together. Warmth spreads through my body when our lips meet, and I stiffen before settling back down realizing what's happening. I feel a smile spread across his face when I kiss him back. I can taste the alcohol and all the senses I feel are almost overwhelming. My heart is pounding in my chest now, but I can only focus on how soft his lips feel, unlike what I would've imagined. We break apart for air. His cheeks are lightly dusted with pink, and he looks so soft. He starts to look around, like he's suddenly self-aware, or even embarrassed, but I take this moment to pull him back down into another kiss. 

This kiss feels more intense and passionate as I move my lips against his. I think he feels more secure with it as well. I drag my fingers through his hair, playing with it. He moves his lips down to my jawline, sucking on the skin there, growing more confident. There will be a hickey there in the morning, but I don't care right now. All I care about is this moment. About how I'm currently making out with Jeff the fucking killer. 

Suddenly I hear my phone buzz from the glass coffee table. Although I try to ignore it at first, the sound is getting annoying. I pull away and he gets off me, understanding the reason I'm getting up. I walk over to my phone to see what's going on and I see a missed call notification from Elliot. As I'm about to call back I get a voicemail message pop up.

"Just wanted to let you know that Scott called asking if you're at my place because his mom was being nosy. I told them you were, so just calling to make sure you're alive. They also said they haven't called you because they said you left your phone at home, so I figured you were on your burner." Elliot's voice chirps from the phone speaker. I texted him back a short "I'm good thanks," before looking at Jeff who had walked over to the phone as well. He brought over the bottle of wine that had rolled over, now only holding a little bit of the alcohol. The rest had spilled onto the carpet.

"I have an idea." Jeff smirks and takes the phone. He opens the camera app and starts taking a bunch of selfies, posing with the mostly empty bottle of wine. I giggle and get in on the photos, grabbing the phone out from his hands and smiling while he does something stupid in the background. Jeff finishes the bottle and steps closer towards me before cradling my face and kissing me. I grin, continuing to press the button to take photos. We pull apart, "Here, give me back the phone." He smiled and I handed it to him. I watch him swipe through and press on the message's app again, opening the screen with my messages with Elliot. Jeff then sends a bunch of the photos we just took to him and sets the phone down. 

"You did not." I laugh out in disbelief, not having enough brainpower to think about what Jeff just did. I don't think he does either. We spend a minute just drunkenly giggling before I speak up again. "So should we get back to this or not?" I say smirking at him. 

"Yes sir." He grins and pulls me down, the both of us falling back onto the couch. He kisses my lips sweetly as I lay on top of him, I can taste a slight hint of blood from his mouth, mostly being masked by the taste of alcohol. He lets out a noise when I move my tongue into his mouth as it gets more heated. I feel like people look at me and expect me to be submissive because I'm more feminine looking, but honestly, I really like being dominant. I think back to earlier; I'm okay with both actually. I move down to his collarbones and this time I'm the one giving the other a hickey, I smile at the thought. 

Jeff pulls away, "Wanna trash the place?" he asks suddenly in bated breath.

"Fuck yeah." I reply, high on adrenaline. 

The next hour or so consists of us running around the house and smashing things, while music blasts, all whilst being practically blackout drunk. At one point we end up outside and jump in the pool. We spend time out there splashing each other, submerging pool furniture, and using them as water toys. While looking around the house I found a blowtorch in the basement and brought it out. 

"Look what I found!" I grinned, playing with the handle turning the fire on and off. I hold the flame up to one of the pool chairs and watch it go up in flames, not caring to put it out. I stare into the flames, feeling exhilarated like never before and jump back into the pool. I float back up to the top and am face to face with Jeff, who looks a little nervous. His gaze was fixed on the flaming pool chair.

"Something wrong?" I ask and he shifts his gaze back to me.

He snaps out of his trance, "No." he scoffs before slinking off deeper into the pool, teasing me to follow him.

After a while we both start to get tired and stop messing around with the property. We went back inside after I put the burning chair out with a bucket of pool water. I had remembered what Jeff told me about his past and decided not to leave it burning all night. Wish I would've remembered that earlier, but I'm so out of it. We head upstairs, passing by destroyed valuables and stained carpets, and stop once we get to the main bedroom. Soaking wet and tired, I take off the homeowner's clothes and dry myself off, only bothering to put on new underwear from the bag I brought with me. I plop down on the king-sized bed, Jeff joining me soon after. I turn my body to face him, staring into his inhumanly light eyes. I slowly put my hand up to touch his face. He leans into the contact as I caress his cheek with my thumb, feeling the deep scar. 

"Does it hurt?" I asked him curiously. 

"No, not anymore. It's numb."  Jeff replies and I hum. I pull him closer against me, cuddling into his shoulder, my arm hanging over his waist. He embraces me back, and we fall asleep like that. Peacefully, and too drunk to think about what we really feel. Just acting on it. 

Heart Killer (Jeff the Killer x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now