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I slowly open my eyes and adjust to my surroundings. I freak out for a minute, not recognizing where I am, before I remember that I'm in the house I broke into with Jeff. I must have gone upstairs sometime throughout the night because I'm lying on the bed in the master bedroom. I feel something shift on the right of me, I look over to see Jeff hugging my side. What the-? We're so close that we're...cuddling? And he looks so calm, once again. His hair is hanging over his eyes and he's snoring slightly. I smile at the sight before shaking my head, clearing my thoughts and causing searing pain to jolt through my head. 

What exactly happened last night?

The last thing I remember clearly is drinking wine and joking around playing "Never have I ever". The rest is all blurry. Jeff stirs beside me, and I feel him begin to wake up. 

"Good morning." I say and poke him. He grunts in return and turns over.

"Good mornin' "He mumbles before freezing and turning back over to look at me.

"What?" I ask as he stares at me oddly.

"Was I...hugging you? And what the fuck happened last night to cause me to do that?" he asks in pure confusion. 

I laugh, "I don't know man, maybe you're just cuddly. I must've blacked out too because my only memory of last night is this massive headache." I wince, I'm gonna need some pain meds when I get home.

He looks down from my face to my body, "Also, why do you not have any clothes on?" He speaks, catching me off guard. 

"What?" I exclaim, looking down in surprise to see I'm wearing nothing but my underwear. I know sober me would not have done that. I look back at Jeff to see he's not wearing a shirt either. "Not like you can be talking." I point at his chest, and he looks down, seeming a bit weirded out. 

"Man, what went on last night?" He groans and drops back onto the bed, pressing his hand against his forehead. I shrug, getting up. I looked around for my phone and found it lying on the floor. At least I didn't leave it somewhere random for me to lose. Jeff gets up suddenly and runs off to the bathroom, probably to throw up. I feel like I'm on the verge of that too. I picked my phone up to see a bunch of messages and missed calls from Elliot. What is this about? I open the text stream and scroll up to see that I sent some pictures last night. 

                                                         I'm good thanks.
                                                         8 attachments

I probably sent him pictures of where I was, and at worst a bottle of wine or something. I click on the photos first to see what I sent. The first photo is a selfie Jeff took with a bottle of wine, great. The next few I'm in and Jeff is still posing with the mostly empty bottle of wine. We both look fucked up, my hair is all tangled and we look very drunk. I swipe to the next photo and widen my eyes in surprise. The photo shows us kissing, he's holding my face and we're both smiling. There's also something on my jawline that looks an awful lot like a hickey. I subconsciously put a hand to my jaw before scrolling to read the rest of the messages he left, after the pictures were sent.





        OMG IT IS NO




      (Y/n), please answer. I'm worried. 

     I'll tell your parents >:(
     No, I actually won't

     Why didn't you tell me...

     Please stay safe

     Answer my calls!

     Okay, I give up. Text me in the morning.
Oh God...what did I do? I groan and scroll up to the pictures, looking through them again. While looking through the images I feel a presence over my shoulder, and I turn around to see Jeff blankly staring at my phone with his mouth agape. He must have remembered just as much as I do, nothin'. It's then when I notice the hickeys covering his neck. Man, drunk me is crazy with it. 

"I guess that answers the questions." I mumble out, and turn my phone off, feeling awkward. 

"Yeah." Jeff breathes out sharply. He looks around, "So, where are our clothes then?"

"Don't ask me." I force a laugh out, putting my hands out in joking defense. 

We found out our old clothes were still in the closet where we had changed earlier. The clothes we had changed into were sitting on the bathroom floor soaking wet, we must've jumped in the pool. That would explain why my hair feels so sticky with chlorine. 

While walking downstairs to find the duffel bag I had brought I saw that we had basically destroyed the place. I winced at the thought of how much money it would be to rebuy these things. Smashed glassware, smashed china, red wine stained carpets, and a shattered glass coffee table. Great. I found the duffel bag near the back door and grabbed my stuff to get changed into. Since we've been looking for our clothes neither of us has said a word to each other. The air just feels so awkward, it's like seeing those photos was some sort of forbidden knowledge. Like 'oh so that's what happens when we get drunk around each other'. I pull my clothes on and smooth them out. I walk out of the bathroom to find Jeff standing in the middle of the room, staring out the window.

"Did we burn a chair?" He speaks up and I walk over to see what he's talking about. Sure enough, there's an extremely charred pool chair sitting in the middle of the yard with a blowtorch lying a few feet away from it. There's also pool furniture floating around in the pool, which is odd as well. Jeff turns away from the window, "Well, we better get going before the owners of the house come back!" As if he's worried about it. I know he's just trying to push back the awkwardness. We both know the house owners aren't supposed to be back until tomorrow. However, they've probably noticed the cameras were broken and who knows if any of the neighbors have reported anything they might've seen last night. That burnt chair alone was a hazard for getting caught...

"Yeah, good idea. Wouldn't want them to see us here!" I try to respond in a similar tone, but it just comes off as more awkward than anything. We just stand there for a second before I clear my throat and grab my bag, hanging it over my shoulder. He opens the back door and steps out before turning around, opening his mouth like he wants to say something.

"So, I guess I will see you sometime?" I ask instead, trying to decipher what he's feeling.

"Yeah" is all he responds before walking into the forest. I sigh, I don't know what is going to happen. God, maybe if we weren't so insufferable with our emotions this could have gone over fine.  Why did I get so attached to a murderer...he's probably just gonna forget about me now and move on. Like one would do with an embarrassing ex. Maybe he'll even go back to where he used to live. I step outside, the sky is gray and it's misting. What a horrible start to the day. 

The walk back to my house gives me a lot of time to think. Did we really make out and do all that because we both have mutual feelings or were we just drunk and not thinking? Maybe it was a mixture of both. I mean, I know that I have some sort of feelings for him, but I don't know who initiated it all. If I did then maybe he was just going along for the fun of it, or there could be the chance he actually did have feelings for me and reciprocated. Or he initiated it? Maybe we both just did it for fun. I don't know, I should just stop trying to figure out what went on.

Before I knew it, I had arrived back at my house. It's already noon. If I remember right, my dad and stepmom should be out for lunch right now. That means the only person home is Scott. I quietly open the door and step inside. I don't hear any noise, so I go ahead and just rush up into my room. I lock my door and set my stuff down. So far, this morning has been all but normal, and not really in a good way. I run my hands through my hair and walk into the bathroom to see what I look like.

Right on my jaw is that hickey I saw in the picture. I press the spot lightly, feeling the reddish purple bruising of my skin. I take a deep breath and lean over the sink. I stand there for a moment just trying to take it all in and calm down. This is a lot. I begin to grab some concealer out of the cabinet and try my best to cover up the spots. I took it from Lucy's room after she passed, she wasn't really gonna need it anymore.

There's a knock at the door. "Hey (Y/n). You're back, finally? I thought you were going to stay at Elliot's forever." Scotts annoying voice comes from outside my room. He jangles on the door knob, trying to open it. I quickly finish concealing the spot and unlock the door.

"I slept in late." I told him, which was the truth. Scott looked at me and crinkled his face.

"Yeah, you look like shit. Well, whatever. Mom and Dad will be home in an hour." He gives up and walks away from the door and walks back to his room. I close the door and sigh, falling onto my bed. I need ibuprofen. I drag myself back up, walk outside of my room, and open the medicine cabinet. I grab the pills and swallow them with a cup of water I had in my room before falling back onto my bed.  I really had to go and mess everything up huh? I sigh, maybe all the alcohol really wasn't the best idea. In my defense I didn't imagine we were going to end up making out though. I turn onto my side, I just need to get some sleep.


"Dinner's done!" My dad shouts, opening the door and waking me up. I groan and rub at my face, still exhausted. "Come on, get up boy!" He says before shuffling away.

"I'm comin'" I say, only half awake. I don't have the brain power to stand talking to people right now, but I get up anyway. I can't just tell them no. I shuffle down the stairs, feeling sick and drained from the hangover and the situation I'm now in. 

"Do you not like it? You haven't even touched your food." Rachel points out.

"I'm not very hungry right now." I mumble, shoving my hands in my pockets. I'm never drinking that much again, this nausea is terrible. My dad sighs and Scott looks at me weirdly before returning to his food. Thunder starts to rumble outside, it's been raining for most of the day. Feels fitting. 

"So, it seems like I might get that promotion from Tom." My dad speaks up and I tune out. As long as Tom doesn't find out your son broke into and wrecked his house. My God, why didn't I think about that before? They're probably gonna find my hair lying around somewhere and catch me through DNA. Unless Jeff breaks me out, but he's probably too weirded out now to ever talk to me again. I shouldn't be relying on him so much, or spending as much time as I am thinking about him. I must actually like him, huh? 

Heart Killer (Jeff the Killer x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now