Taunting Death

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A day full of funeral planning and telling the bad news to relatives passes by. Yet I haven't felt so free in forever. I no longer have to lower my gaze or obey the rules of my over controlling step sister. My dreams of being free from that crazy bitch have become reality. Even throughout the hectic day, with everyone else stressing out about stuff, I actually feel at peace.

I lie down in bed, feeling relieved of stress finally. Just as I start to drift off into a dream that calmness is disturbed by a noise coming from my window. It makes a cracking and sliding noise before—Is my window really being opened right now? The pane continues to creak, and yep there is definitely someone breaking into my room. I feel my breath get caught in my throat as I start to mentally panic. I hear the person climb through, landing quietly on the carpet. Could it be the same guy who killed Lucy? The one who's on the news almost 24/7?

I try to keep as quiet as possible and act like I'm asleep. Since I was a very superstitious kid with OCD I've practiced this dozens of times, in case I ever had to be in this situation. So I'd say I'm a bit of an expert at pretending to sleep. I keep my breathing calm and shallow, keep my eyes closed, and ignore every itch and desire to turn over.

I feel the presence move closer to me. I could just be imagining it because I didn't actually hear it move, but my senses are telling me that whoever just broke into my room is right in front of me right now. I try to keep calm as much as possible and continue fake sleeping. I can still feel the person staring at me though. They're so close now that I can feel them breathing on me. At this point my heart is starting to beat faster and I'm afraid that my breathing will stop sounding normal.

A voice speaks up, "I know you're awake." The voice is dark and raspy, creeping me out even more.

I wasn't sure if what he said was true, or if he was just trying to trip me up. However, the way I always practiced this was to continue to stay silent, playing dead almost. It works for possum's so it's gotta work for me, right? I shift a little bit so it seems more natural that I'm still asleep and dreaming. It seems to work because he doesn't seem to do anything else for a minute, and for a split second I think he might just leave. He doesn't leave though. Instead he pokes me in the shoulder.

Is...is he trying to wake me up? I feel him poke me again. Should I wake up? He might kill me in my sleep if I stay asleep, but he will also probably kill me if I wake up. Maybe I should just switch plans. Another tactic I came up with as a kid was just to act really nonchalant, or annoyed. Pretty much just the opposite of whatever I saw people in horror movies do. It's worth a try, it doesn't seem like I can get out of this one in any other way.

The third time he pokes my shoulder I open my eyes and make direct eye contact with him. Woah, was not expecting that. His eyes are wide and ringed in black, his irises are so light they just look plain white. His pupils even dilated when I looked at him, creepy. I swallow my fear and go with my plan, "Uh, can you stop? I'm trying to sleep."

After I say this, the killer seems a bit taken aback, but I'm still so hyper focused on how he looks. It actually is the guy from the news. He looks a little different than the photo on the TV though. The guy shakes his head and takes his knife out, which still has blood on it from previous victims...gross.

"Now you have one option. And that is to go to sleep." Jeff the killer states, holding his knife up towards me. He moves away, getting into a more practical position.

Oh God, it's gonna be really hard to stay calm now, me being held at knifepoint and all. I take a second to come up with the wittiest, most normal reply I can muster.

"I was already asleep, why'd you have to wake me up just to say that? I think you should try something more practical next time." I groan, rubbing at my face drowsily.

Heart Killer (Jeff the Killer x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now