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Jeff hasn't stopped by again while I've been working. That's mainly my fault though. I remembered I could text him through that old tablet and told him that my dad's been basically watching me constantly whenever I'm outside. I didn't think it was a good idea for him to stop by while this was all still going on. It's only been four days of this and it's exhausting already. On top of going to school normally, I basically have to work outside till the sun sets. 

I sit in class, pouting. The teacher's saying something, but I'm too tired to listen. I probably know it already anyway. The fact that the school day is almost over, used to be exciting, but it just reminds me of everything I need to do when I get home. Finally, the bell rings and I'm let out of class. At least this phase of the day is over. I grabbed my bag and stepped out into the hallway. I open my locker to dump my notebooks into when I notice a note. I picked it up, curious.

meet me outside after school, by the bike rack

Weird. It was written in some fancy handwriting, one that I didn't recognize. I don't know what it could possibly be about either. It unnerves me. This is my first time visiting my locker since this morning, so I have no clue when it was put in there. I shrug and put my stuff away before slamming the door closed. If I meet this person after school, then I'm gonna miss the bus. I wonder if Elliot's still here.

I walk outside into the student parking lot and spot Elliot standing next to his dad's old pick-up. I'd say I wasn't sure why my dad hadn't gotten me my own car, but I know it's because he doesn't trust me. I wave Elliot down and he looks up at me, surprised to see me. He meets me half-way down the parking lot. He wears his emotions on his sleeve, and right now it's obvious he wasn't expecting me to stop by. Before either of us have the chance to say anything I show him the note.

"I'm gonna need a ride home." I tell him as he reads the slip of paper.

"Who's this from?" He asks and I shrug in response. He takes the note out of my hand and inspects it. He doesn't seem to recognize the handwriting either. "Do you think it's some sort of love confession?" Elliot questions and gives me the note back. God, I didn't even think about that.

I groan, "I hope not." If it is, this is gonna be very embarrassing. I didn't think teenagers did cheesy things like grand love confessions anymore though.

"You want me to tag along?" Elliot suggests. I nod gratefully, not looking forward to whatever is about to happen.

We both walk to the bicycle rack. Who would pick out a place like this to meet up? You'd think they'd choose the parking lot, or something, which is where most kids hang out. As we approach it Elliot hangs back, hiding behind a wall. Standing next to a bright blue bicycle is a familiar girl with short reddish-brown hair. Of course. At least there's no one else at the bike rack. I groan internally before walking up to Maisy and handing her the note she wrote.

"You wanted to talk?" I asked, annoyed. She yanks the note out of my hand and nods conceitedly. She glances around before glaring right into my eyes.

"I've been watching you, and you really do know that serial killer!" She announces and my stomach drops. What?

"W-what do you mean?" I panic. What does she mean she's been watching me?

She rolls her eyes, "Oh don't play dumb. You really didn't think I'd find out. I told you I was going to catch him." Can I still deny it? What evidence could she really have?

"With what evidence?" I quip back, but as she pulls her phone out of her pocket, I realize she might be legit. Damn! I bite my tongue, nervously waiting to see what she's possibly got on me.

Heart Killer (Jeff the Killer x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now