It Gets Worse

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I kept my door shut for the rest of the day, despite the incessant knocking on the door. They let me stay locked in. All they wanted to do was continue "talking things out". It was very one sided. I did learn more about why they're making me move with them and not just stranding me here—which is what I thought they were going to do. Apparently, it's about keeping up appearances again. Since Dallas (who I don't feel like calling Dad anymore) is head of some important company, he doesn't want any dirt that could be used against him. Me being the "dirt" apparently. Rachel is one in the same with that; she doesn't want to be blacklisted from her social circles. And Scott is just going along with it all. Of course he is. I should've been more careful, I know, but Scott shouldn't have been such a snitch. Snooping around my room and then making it a big deal. Now we're moving across the country, and it's all his fault. He probably doesn't like it that much either, I guess that's payback. 

And Jeff, God, I still need to tell him. Both my phones have been taken away. They made me give them my main one shortly after I slammed the door to my room. Even if I did have it, Jeff broke the fucking tablet and I have no way to contact him. Unless. I glance at the clock on my wall. It's close to midnight, and I'm starving too. Everyone in the house should be asleep, but it's still probably too risky to leave the room. Who knows if my da...if Dallas is keeping watch. Lord knows he's gonna try anything he can to stop me from seeing Jeff again. However, Jeff did leave me some of the rope he uses to sneak up here. Just in case he came over and left his at home, which has happened a few times. 

I get out of bed and quietly open my closet door and grab the pile of rope on the top shelf. I just need to figure out how he ties it up on the rafter. I walk to the other side of my room and open the window quietly, leaning my head out to look up at the rafter. He seems to just throw the rope up and twist it, or something. I test it out, looping the rope through the space between the wall and the rafter and knotting the part in my hands before pulling until the knot is secure. I did it again just to be sure. It seemed to work okay. I twist the two strands of rope together, forming one singular thick rope. Yeah, this looks right. I pulled on it from inside, just to be sure that it'd hold me.

"Alright." I whisper to myself, before wiping my sweaty palms off on my t-shirt. This is the first time I've done this without Jeff being there. I think I've gotten the hang of it, but the drop is still frightening. I take a deep breath and put one leg up on the windowsill, lifting myself up onto it. I'm gripping the rope so hard that my knuckles are turning white. The first time I did this I had rope burn for a week, by now my hands have gotten used to the sensation. I take another deep breath in and put more of my weight on the rope, now crouching with both feet on the ledge. I tug on the rope once more, double checking that I won't splatter onto the ground, and wrap my legs around the rope. I squeeze my eyes shut as I hang there, gripping onto the rope like it's my lifeline. Once I realize that I'm not falling to my death, I start shifting down the rope slowly. I loosen my grip so that the rope slides between my hands as I lower myself to the ground. After fully realizing that I did everything right, I start to go down like usual. It goes quicker. 

I reach the ground and put my hands on my knees, leaning down in relief. I stand back up and stretch my hands out in front of me before heading to the end of the yard. My door is locked, and they'll just suspect I don't want to talk to them if they knock. I'll be fine. Now I just need to remember where Jeff's cabin is. I squeezed myself out the back gate and started wandering around the forest. I've been back and forth enough times that I know the general direction to go in. 

It took longer than usual, but I found it eventually. All the lights are off except for a dim glow outside one of the windows. It might be a lamp, but regardless it seems like he's there. I knock on the front door. I've never come here on my own, it's always been when he's with me, so it feels weird. It takes a minute for him to answer the door, but eventually it creaks open. Jeff stands there with a confused expression on his face and fresh blood covering his hoodie. 

Heart Killer (Jeff the Killer x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now