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Lucy's pov

Pop music blares around the house, people are drinking, dancing, and making out all at the same time. This wasn't anything new though, Lucy's been to dozens of parties like this. Her and her friends were giggling and talking about embarrassing things they've seen other people do recently. Her boyfriend was playing pool with his friends across the room and she could just have fun and relax.

That was until she looked over after hearing some cheering coming from his area to see him grab another girl and kiss her passionately on the lips. It was then when her world stopped. Her friends just continued laughing and drinking their beers, and she sat there watching as her boyfriend pulled away from the girl and started celebrating. "Who does he think he is? And who is that girl!?" Lucy thinks, enraged with what she just saw.

Maybe it's because she's drunk, or maybe just because of her bad temper, but she storms over to Trent to scream at him. When he sees her coming he jolts for a second, not expecting her to have seen that, but then his face turns right back to its smug expression.

"Hey Lucy..-" He barely has a chance to talk before he gets slapped across the face by his girlfriend.

"Don't "Hey Lucy" me you jerk! Who is she!? I swear to God if you've been cheating on me with her, I'm done with you!" She screams at him, causing his friends to back away and everyone else's conversations to go silent.

"Ugh I'm not cheating on you, that was just a random girl." He rolls his eyes.

"Yeah sure that's what you said last time too! I'm leaving, don't bother calling me." She digs her finger into his chest before storming off, tears welling up in her eyes. Her friends try to chase after her to console her, but they lose sight of her between all the people crowded in the living room.

Once Lucy reaches the back doorstep she sits down on the step and just breaks. She cries and cries, taking in sharp breaths, trying to get air in between sobs. "Why why why." She thinks, trying to figure out a reason why somehow that other girl was better than her in some way. "No matter what I do I always end up hurt." Lucy sobs, brushing away her tears.

Eventually she calms down enough to get up and start walking back home. Her house is only like a mile and a half away, she shouldn't have too much trouble walking that far. Although it's dark and she's getting tired, she is in shape enough to haul herself back.

She walks along the street next to the forest, a car or two passing by her every so often. The post storm breeze is starting to make the air a bit chilly. She wishes she would've brought a jacket, but again she didn't think she would be walking home that night. Slowly the landscape starts to change from forest, to farmland, to where she can just barely see her neighborhood up ahead. She sighs in relief, she was starting to worry she was getting lost. Suddenly a shuffling noise is heard from somewhere behind her and she stops. She then hears something else, someone's footsteps. She is being followed.

Too scared to look back, she just quickens her pace. Whoever is following her quickens their pace too. After a minute she has had enough and the curiosity is too great, she turns around to see who's been following her, to tell them off. Partially expecting Trent and partially expecting a random old guy. What she doesn't expect is to see the serial killer that was on the news earlier, Jeff The Killer. Her heart skips out of fear. She's seen what he's done on the news, and she knows what he will do to her too. Once it set in that she was afraid of him, he grinned a malicious grin. His skin really was almost paper white, his hair was long and black, and his face was that out of a nightmare.

Lucy backed away slowly, yet he just inched forward. "Where were all the cars now?" She thought, panicking and hoping for someone to save her. She watches him take the bloody kitchen knife out of his pocket. As he gets closer she makes a run for it into the field, he chases after her. She isn't sure for how long she can run for when her legs start to give out on her. Suddenly she trips over a cluster of dry twigs, scraping her knees, and falling on the ground. Jeff  approaches her, now having an advantage.

"Please, I'll do anything. Please don't kill me." She begs with her eyes shut in fear, but he is unwavering. His widened eyes stay put and his cold gaze doesn't tear away. Begging is weak. Every victim has done it, it won't work on him. They're all so pathetically human.

He gets closer, taunting her with his knife. "Stop...stop...please don't do this." She mutters trying to back away, her voice shaking.

"It's time for you to Go to Sleep." He growls, and before she has another chance to beg for him to spare her he plunges the knife into her stomach. Lucy screams, and Jeff pulls the knife back out. She wails clutching at the wound, struggling to keep from bleeding out. She looks back up at Jeff in fear of seeing what he will do next, in a state of pure shock. He takes this time to plunge the knife right into her heart, shifting it before yanking it out again. Her second scream comes out shakier as she try's to salvage any chance at life back. To finish her off Jeff moves to her throat, slitting it cleanly. This time she doesn't scream, she just falls back into the empty patch of farmland. Tears silently streaming down her face. It isn't long until her eyes have gone glassy and blood comes up out of her mouth as she coughs. She's barely alive when Jeff takes his knife and carves his trademark smile onto her face. A stamp, as if letting everyone know another victim has fallen to him.

And as the light slips away from Lucy's conciseness the last thing she sees is his nightmarish face, and wishes she would've asked a friend to drive her home that night.

Heart Killer (Jeff the Killer x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now