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I dart through the forest, shoving branches out of my way as I run. My sleeve gets caught on some of them as I push my way through them, snagging on the threads and leaving small rips. I arrive at his cabin quicker than ever and don't waste my time before bursting back into the small building. Jeff's standing in the middle of the kitchen, looking startled.

"Back so soon?" he asks jokingly, but I can tell there's a hint of concern in his voice. I didn't respond immediately. Taking the time to catch my breath instead. He walks up to me, brows furrowing. "Are you...okay?" He puts his hands on my shoulders, and I look up at him.

"He's taking me away tomorrow." I tell him blankly. 

"What?" he asks, taken aback. I nod and move away from him to lay down on his couch. Letting the adrenaline from everything leave my body. Jeff sits down next to me, and I move my legs onto his lap to give him room.

"He didn't like that note you left him." I huffed with a slight laugh, trying to find the situation funny. It didn't work. 

"Hey, I tried." Jeff replied in a matching tone. 

"All it seemed to do was make things worse." I frowned. Jeff glances at me worriedly. 

"So, that's it?" he asked hesitantly. I meet his eyes and sit up. I mean there's not much more I can do. I just sigh and nod my head. 

"It's like the more that I push back the more consistent they are with controlling me. I don't know why they want to keep me controlled so badly. They hate me, I know it." I complain with a grimace. We sit in silence. I can tell Jeff is upset I'm not trying hard enough to do something about them, but he doesn't push it. Instead, he picks up the remote and flips through the channels. Another distraction would be nice. He stops on a random reality Tv station and lets it play, drowning out my worries. I try my best to enjoy these last moments I have with Jeff. 

Half an hour later and the channel changed to a less entertaining show. I glanced at Jeff for confirmation that he was also bored, and picked up the remote, flipping through the channels once again. I jolted upright at the sight of my face on the Tv—it was the channel for the local news station. Jeff tenses beside me and I turn up the volume, trying to get more context. I suddenly noticed the text at the bottom of the screen. 

"Oh, you have to be fucking kidding me!" I exclaim, gritting my teeth. The police were made aware that I've been "kidnapped". When the screen switches to an interview from Dallas my suspicions for who made the claim are confirmed.

"...Yeah, everything was fine until he left one night and never came home. You know teenagers, being rebellious and sneaking out all the time. We warned him that something bad would happen if he continued his behavior. But it seems he didn't listen. I just want him home safe..."
"That bastard." I grumble, biting my cheek in anger.

"Ugh, if you weren't so adamant on me not killing your family, I would've done so weeks ago." Jeff pouted angrily. I side-eye him but admit he's not wrong to say that. I don't know why I'm so adamant about not killing them either...they sure as hell deserve it. But this is really not good; this kidnapping ploy. He knows he's showing just how far he'll go to get what he wants from me. 

"They know what happened with Trent, they said they'll get me locked up." I repeat what I had told Jeff the night before. "This is him taunting me. He's trying to show me that he'll actually do this." I keep my eyes glued to the Tv even though I can feel Jeff's burning through me.

"He's trying to get you to return to him. Before you can run away, and if I'm right in my assumptions...once you go back, he won't let you out of his sight. You won't be able to come back." Jeff stares at me as he explains what he can only assume will happen. It sounds completely logical; this was his warning before he spilled everything. I can also only assume that the kidnapping story was a way to leave without causing too many questions. Everyone would assume we're leaving because Lucy was killed, and I was kidnapped. Because if I'm shown as a victim, nobody will suspect I've had any involvement with Trent's death. Unless someone with money and power switched the narrative and gave new information. Someone like Dallas, who has the evidence to prove my involvement, and the social power to get people to back him up. 

Heart Killer (Jeff the Killer x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now