Break In

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"Excuse me, where are you going?" Rachel asks me, crossing her arms. I stop in my tracks, about to walk through the back door.

"Elliot's." I state, beginning to open the door to leave. 

"What's in the bag then?" She raises her eyebrows, stopping me again, pissing me off even more.

I turn around to face her. "Clothes. I'm sleeping over."

"Does your father know about this?" She questions, thinking I'm up to something nefarious, which I am. 

"Yes." I actually did tell my dad I'm going to Elliot's, already having planned this all out. I stand there, looking her in the eyes and waiting for her to back off.

Rachel sighs, "Fine, just be careful out there." Is that what that was all about? Was she actually worried about me or something? I step out the door and walk outside. It's a weird feeling to hear her worried about me. I bet she's not actually worried since she never has before. I'm not sure though, maybe she has changed after Lucy died? Nah, she probably just doesn't trust me. I walk in the direction of Elliot's house but wrap around into the forest to get to the big house. It's a short walk, about three minutes, so not too bad. It's still warm outside too, even though it's late September. Eventually I arrive behind the house and see Jeff already waiting there for me. 

"It looks like they've left already, but they have some security cameras, so I'll have to disable those before we go in. They're just on the outside though which is good." Jeff explains, getting up to disable the cameras quickly.

"Alright, I'll wait here." I say a little awkwardly, starting to become more nervous about doing all of this. I stand there shuffling my feet for a good eight minutes before Jeff finally returns from disabling the camaras. Or in other words, destroying them. Without warning he yanks me by the arm, pulling me into their backyard. It's even bigger than I had originally thought. There's a pool in the back that looks like the one the Osbournes had on their reality TV show. Jeff pulls me over to the back door, which was locked of course. I watched as Jeff took out some sort of metal lock pick and jammed it into the keyhole. After a minute of shifting it around, I heard a clicking noise before he jostled the doorknob opening it up. 

"So that's how you do it..." I mumble to myself, too quiet for Jeff to hear.

"We're in!" he exclaims, opening the doors up. The interior was even fancier than I expected. I had honestly imagined it to look similar to mine, but I can now see why my dad wants to get to this level of status in his company. Even if we're perfectly fine as we are. We walk further into the house, taking it all in. It looks even bigger than it does on the outside. The walls are adorned with decorative paintings and the kitchen is full of white marble. The living room has a massive TV with red, velvety couches and a fluffy white rug. On the other side of the first floor is a double staircase also made of white marble. I look at Jeff and nod to him, silently suggesting we explore upstairs. Jeff nods back in understanding and dashes up the flight of stairs. I follow him, still processing the fact we just broke into a house. We open up all of the doors on the second floor, peeking inside to see which one looks the coolest. 

Eventually we found the master bedroom which is the size of a small house. The bed is large and has a canopy over it. They have their own lounge area and a master bathroom connected to the bedroom. I stroll into the master bathroom, a giant mirror reflecting my image. To the left of me I find another door, which I open of course. Inside is a huge walk-in closet with shelves of clothes, shoes, and accessories. On one side it seems to be Wanda's clothes and the other side seems to be Tom's. I stare in awe at all the very real fur coats and leather items. 

"Why does someone even need these many clothes?" I hear Jeff ask in awe from behind me.

"I don't know." I answer, touching the silky garments. I pick one off the hanger that feels particularly soft, it's a black silk top with its back exposed, held together with gold chains. I jokingly hold it out in front of me and turn towards Jeff.

"What do you think?" I raise my eyebrows towards him jokingly. 

Jeff pauses, "Yeah." He says, no sarcasm in his voice whatsoever. 

This surprises me, "What?" I falter with a laugh, not really being serious about putting it on. 

"Yeah, put it on. Why not?" he asks, brushing his hand across the clothing on the other side of the room. 

"Uh, well." I look down at the shirt? taken aback by the suggestion. Even though I was the one who suggested it in the first place. Would it even fit though? I mean it was obviously made for a thin woman, which I am not. The straps do look adjustable though... "Fuck it." I say and take my shirt off, deciding on a whim to just go for it. It's my fault for saying anything about it anyways, might as well just try it.  I slide the garment over my head, and it actually slips on well. I do have to adjust the straps, but it definitely feels a little funny. I probably look stupid. 

I turn to Jeff, "There it is, and don't laugh I know I probably look stupid." I say self-consciously.

"You don't look stupid." He rolls his eyes at me. "Go look in the mirror (Y/n)." Jeff pushes me into the bathroom where the giant mirror is. I turn around to look at myself. Huh...I actually don't look that bad in it. I thought it was gonna look like when those guys on tiktok put on crop tops for those stupid "women are unfunny" skits. But it actually makes me look good. I stare at myself in the mirror for a minute, surprised to like how it looks.

"Told ya', now let me put on something so that we can look like rich people together." Jeff shuffles back into the closet and I follow him with a newfound confidence. 

"I should probably find some different pants too; I don't think billionaires wear sweatpants very often." I laugh, but then again, I'm pretty sure I've seen some pictures of the Kardashians in all sweats. We both sift through the rest of the clothes, finding something we like. Jeff finds a flowy dress shirt that reminds me of something a vampire or pirate would wear. We both then found dress pants to go with the shirts. I found a box full of shiny, expensive jewelry. I put some gold cuff bracelets on my wrist and a couple diamond rings. Jeff puts on a silver chain necklace and an earring; I didn't know his ears were pierced. After putting on the outfits I felt a little nervous, like I shouldn't be having fun with this. I felt this wave of anxiety that I was being too bold, and it was going to end up hurting me somehow. 

"We look the part now, so let's go have fun!" Jeff exclaims mischievously, walking off back into the room. I shake off the feeling and follow him. I have no reason to feel anxious, I can't lose my confidence now. We walk down the hallway making up some imaginary party we're gonna be late to. 

Jeff walks down the stairs, "Don't forget to let the butler know to secure the house so that no one breaks in." Jeff states in a cliche aristocrat accent.

"Of course, but no one could ever break in because of our top-of-the-line security cameras." I joke and we both laugh, dropping the act. Once we get back down, I flop onto the couch, taking in the comfort of it. I stare at the ceiling, admiring the fancy crown molding.

"What now?" I asked, suddenly realizing we didn't plan on what we were going to do once we got here.

"I don't know." Jeff responds, sitting down on the couch next to me.

A moment of silence passes before I feel my stomach growl, "We could order pizza?" I suggest taking my burner phone out of my pocket. Didn't want to bring my real phone because I know they can track it.

"Sure, after that wanna watch a movie?" Jeff asks, looking at me and grinning. 

I nod, "Yeah that sounds good." I say while clicking on the link on Papa John's website to order the pizza. The phone rings and someone answers the phone. I tell them what pizza's we want, and they ask what address to send it to.

"Uh, one second." I cover the speaker on the phone. "Jeff, do you know the address?" I ask him and he shakes his head "no". I quickly rush over to the front window and peek out to look at the number on the mailbox. "Okay yeah the address is ****." I responded finally and they told me I could end the call. I exhale and walk back over to the living room; I hope they don't notice that we aren't the people who really live here. I just pray they send a new guy. 

Fifteen minutes later the doorbell rang, we were in the middle of debating what movie to watch. I rush over to the door to answer it, Jeff follows behind me, staying outside of the pizza man's view. 

I open the door, "Hello." I greet the pizza man, a lanky nerdy guy who just stares back at me. 

The guy clears his throat, "Here you go sir." He says and hands me the pizza boxes. I take them and grab some money out of my pocket (which I actually took out of a drawer in this house) and place it in the man's hands.

"Thank you!" I respond and begin to close the door before the guy stops me by saying something.

"Wait! Uh...I mean, goodbye. I hope to see you again!" The guy says awkwardly with a red face, and I nod politely, closing the door on him, a little confused by how he was acting. He seemed really flustered for some reason. I walk to Jeff, holding the pizza boxes. He too has an expression on his face that I can't quite place, like he's thinking deeply about something.

"Jeff?" I ask, trying to push him out of whatever trance he's caught in. 

"What?" He snaps and I raise my eyebrows, surprised at the change in emotion. 

"Pizza." I state and nod my head in the direction of the living room.

"Right..." He calms down and walks past me to where he had been sitting before. Weird. 

We eventually settled on watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which was mainly Jeff's idea, but I decided to just give up and let him choose. As the movie started, I realized that maybe I should have argued more about what movie to watch because this was not the most appetizing movie to watch while eating. Either way, the movie was enjoyable enough. I did like the disturbing imagery and how it set the mood for the whole thing. It was sort of a hillbilly horror which you can see for real just by driving an hour south of here. Leatherface was interesting too, I couldn't imagine using a chainsaw as a weapon and being able to keep the whole thing quiet, but I guess if you're in the middle of nowhere it could work. What's crazy though is Jeff did not jump a single time during the whole movie, he just sat there, watching excitedly like it was an action movie. He's very interesting, I've never met anyone like him before, of course. It's intriguing, I feel like I want to know everything about him. 

Happy Halloween!!

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