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"Please don't do this.." she begs as the men tie her up in my basement for my house and gag her and I smile simply "you know I understand you didn't know Venom and I were together-" I sighed as I said that traitor name and continued "but someone needs to be punish and I just don't punish one I punish all!" I said smiling wildly.

Melody kept weeping as her mascara dripped down her cheeks. I reached over and wiped her tears and then smack her face as hard as I could "now shut up before I have them beat you to death" I said walking away with a grin on my face.

I walk upstairs to find Kingsley waiting for me and I walk past him and say "Report?" He looked at me and follows like an obedient dog "Terror has gracefully agreed to meet you here tomorrow at 3pm, to negotiate terms and conditions in exchange for his daughter" I nodded and rub my tummy.

"Good, don't feed anything to that brat till he shows up here and also keep her quiet so we can discuss terms properly." He nodded and kisses my shoulder "yes ma'am. Anything else?" He asked holding me and rubbing my tummy. "What has venom been up to?" I asked softly.

"I believe he's hiding in his clubhouse most of his days, barely leaves or if he does he leaves with multiple people with him. Such a coward." He sighs.

I laughed at the fact that Venom truly was a coward, but it doesn't help how I feel inside for him. Which is pain and suffering..

I was lost in thought when Kingsley said "Venom will probably be joining Terror during the negotiations.." I looked at him "Oh really? Why is that?" "Because he knows how you two were together and he might want Venom to apologize and make things right since it's because of him his daughter got kidnapped."

I nodded "hopefully he comes then, I want to see how this plays out" I walk away leaving Kingsley there standing.

The Red Traitor {Black Souls MC}Where stories live. Discover now