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I was in this facility and I had my own room, you had to surrender your phone, keys, and wallet. I had to do a lot of paperwork as well. But I did get my own room and privacy at that. But I knew there was cameras everywhere, this felt like jail.

I've been here for a month and been talking face to face with a psychiatrist. Dr. Martin. He will only go by sir or doctor martin, he was strict and straightforward towards me. We got to know each other the first month, I said what I could get out and he talked about his experiences. He was a man in his 50's I bet he had a lot.

My whole day was timed out. 8am breakfast and 12pm lunch and 1pm-2pm free time and 2pm-4pm group activities 4pm-5pm Dr. Martin and then 6pm dinner time. After that we were free to do what we want but 10pm I was in my room and the lights off.

Before my curfew I took medicine that was provided by the doctor it was to help me sleep and not have my brain on over drive all night. As I tried to sleep, I felt like I was being watched and I turned and saw someone standing at the corner of my bed. I got up immediately "who are you?"

They made a groaning sound and walked toward me slept like a zombie. When the light shine on their face I gasped it was Maddie, she looks pale and disgusting, her eyes were a grayish color and she walked toward me and was groaning and moan just like a zombie.

I backed away  from her and was starting to hyperventilating and screaming for someone to come "omg Maddie please I'm sorry.." I held my head and someone on the light. I was in a crouched position and the nurse check on me. I was sweating and mumbling something.

"Ma-Maddie is here.. she's gonna get me" I said and the nurse looked around the room and under my bed, in the bathroom and closet "Sir there is no one here. Drinks some water and try to sleep." I liked around frantically as she give me a cup of water.

She helped me get back in bed and shut the light and doors without saying anything to me. I looked around the darkness and was panting.

"It's all in my head" I kept enchanting to myself. I hear something at the foot of my bed and it was Maddie again. With a sick grin on her face "Ven-om" she said slowly and I screamed.

The Red Traitor {Black Souls MC}Where stories live. Discover now