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I knew she was watching my every move, when I sleep, eat, walk, bathe. I feel paranoid about everything, it was starting to affect my mental state. I knew I had to face her somehow and someway but I didn't know how to. I acknowledge what I did was wrong and I can't take it back.

I didn't want to hurt her but that's exactly what I did, like all those years ago. Last time I saw Araceli she looked so wounded when she left. I didn't bother trying to explain because I knew she wouldn't forgive me. So I gave her space, as I was lost in thought my phone rang "Hello?" I answered.

"Venom it's Terror.." I gulped and "Yeah? What's up?" Araceli has my daughter and is forcing me to comply with her will and orders for a contract. If I don't, then I don't see my daughter again" Terror said quietly but angered through the phone.

I sighed "I would just comply Terror, it would benefit you and Melody from this." "You put her in this mess..!!" He screamed and I sighed "so what you want me to do?" "Accompany me to her house and explain and try to get Melody out of this.." I shake my head "that won't do any good, I know she won't listen to me. She hated me now so"

"Fine.. accompany me to her home anyways. Just as back up. I'll send you the address and time from when it is." He didn't wait for me to answer and hung up. I got a text 5 minutes later. I rubbed my face in frustration and called up my dad, chains, Gearhead, and Thrasher.

Took some time but they all came into my office, chains looks the worse out of all. He knew how cruel Araceli can be and just like me he's been hiding here with me. "Terror called.." they stayed silent and waited for more.

"Araceli has melody and is forcing Terror into a contract. He wants us to accompany him as back up" I said sipping my whiskey. They looked at each other and then back to me "Is it wise for you to go?" My father said. I shake my head and said "No probably not, but I'm the reason Melody and Terror are in this predicament so I will help. Even if it costs my life" I said.

"If I were to die then I will leave you in charge Gearhead as you are the VP" I said looking at him, he nodded slowly "It won't come to that.." chains spoke up finally, "What do you mean?" My father said and chains look around all of us. " I know Araceli, killing you will be the last thing she will do.. but it will something you might beg for.." he said leaving my office.

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