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When Venom called me to tell me about the party I was definitely going to go. I put on a maternity dress that drop a little past my knees. It was a black off shoulder type, I decided to wear flats since my feet wasn't gonna fit in heels.

Evie wore a cute floral dress and had a head band on, Kingsley was gonna drive us there but not attend. When we got to the clubhouse it has strings and balloons everywhere, it looked like a balloon house and Evie was happy to see the balloons. As I slowly got out and walked towards the entrance Venom came out with a black hair girl behind him and Gearhead behind her.

I walked causally and they meet me half way "Araceli I'm glad you came! I also see Evie here I'm sure she'll have fun inside." Venom said and I nod "Thanks for the invite, I appreciate it. May I come in?" I asked "Yes please, also this is Maddie Gearhead a girlfriend." Venom said she shakes my hand softly "Hello!!" She said happily.

I looked at Gearhead my only other sibling left and said "Happy birthday Gearhead" he smiles and said "Thanks Celi, I'm glad you are here." Hearing my old nickname I caved and hugged him, his body become ridged but he loose up and hug me back and oat my head.

I felt someone staring daggers at me and it was Maddie and Venom was grinning at us. We heads inside and the party was full swing. Food was so good, I don't know how many plates I had. Evie was playing around with the other children from the club.

Falcon was holding her currently though and was playing with her. I took a drink of my water and walked outside. I felt someone behind me "Can I help you Venom?" I asked, he laughed and said "Just checking on you and seeing if you okay.." he replied.

I smiled back at him and he smiled down at me "You think you would ever give me a chance again?" He asked and I kissed him hard and he kissed me back and soon we were making out and was all over each other but I stopped him from taking my clothing off.

"To answer your question I'm not sure right now but maybe I suppose I'll have to think about it." I said wiping the side of my lips. He nods and looks cheerful and we both head back inside and resume the party. After the kissing he never left my side and soon I was exhausted and called Kingsley to come pick me up.

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