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I smiled and told chains I would return for him and I left the hospital. With such a fragile mind it was easy to manipulate him into thinking they were the problem. He's my brother and I love him but doesn't mean I won't use him a bit more.

Few days later I was informed that chains was released from the hospital and was back at the club house. I decide I would pay him a visit with Evie. I wore a simply dress that showed my small baby bump. Eleanor and Evie were ready in the car. We drove down to the club house.

The drive was long but Evie was such a good girl about it and I've grown quite attach to her. I wouldn't mind a baby girl myself.

We arrived to the gates and the prospect let me in with no fuss. Probably know who I am and I walk inside clubhouse and everything stopped. I had my sun glasses on so I didn't have to make eye contact with anyone and I walked past a shit load of bikers. Glaring and staring at me as I last through. I saw my father and Falcon drinking at the bar and they suddenly saw me and I ignored them and walk to the back rooms.

I knocked on Chains doors "Come in?" He said and I enter with my little crew. "Araceli? I didn't know you were coming by?" He said making himself more presentable in front of me.

I laughed softly "I heard you was released and I wanted to see you again. And I think Evie would like to know if her dad's ok?" I say as he looks to her and she was a happy cheeky baby. I take her and point to chains "that's your daddy Evie. You wanna be held by him" she jumped in my arms. Evie was an easy baby, she loves everyone.

My brother holds his hands out and as I was about to past her to him. His door flew open and guns were point towards me and Evie. It was my own father holding the gun, behind him was my half brother Gearhead with his gun point at me.

"Araceli give Evie to chains and move back" I smiled but complied and pat her hair and moved back. Gearhead and thrasher enter the room more and venom and his father came in as well. My father didn't look away from me and kept his gun up.

"What daddy you gonna shoot me? Your own daughter.." I said smiling at him menacingly. " I don't want to but I have to protect them.." thrasher said and I harden my gaze and realize once again he was protecting the club over me. Before I can say anything two shoot were fired but by a silencer. One hit Gearhead shoulder which was on the same side he was holding the gun and he dropped it and while the second shot hit my father and they both went down.

Falcon and Venom drew their guns and realized who shot them and looked shocked. I follow where the gun shoots came from and there was my brother he was standing with his gun in his hand with a hateful look and still holding Evie in his arms, her still unaware that her dad just shot someone.

"How dare you draw your gun against, my Queen..." 

The Red Traitor {Black Souls MC}Where stories live. Discover now