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Gearhead got 30 years in prison on murder charges, I was there when the ruling happened as no one else came here for him. Venom has been a ghost mostly and it's been almost a month since Maddie and Falcons death. Butcher has been handling everything as he was appointed the new VP.

Venom is remains the club president but still keeps to himself. I did hear from Mary that his aunty from Florida has been calling him and checking on him. She couldn't make it to the funeral since it was too expensive to come on a late notice and so she attended through zoom.

I have two months left of this pregnancy and I'm waddling around now, Kingsley is still up my ass. I babe never seen this side of him before and I did like his compassion.

The lawyer handling chains case hasn't been contacting me for a while so I called him "Yes ma'am?" He answered "what's the update?" I asked "Well the trail is in a week and that's when we are gonna find out, what the judge decided. I can send you the details right now." He hung up and emailed me the information.

I called the jail that held chains and got a hold of him "Hey chains, it's Araceli" I said "Hey.." he replied solemnly. I give him the update on what's been going on and also what his lawyer said. "So this Maddie chick is dead? That's kinda weird she just ended herself when Venoms in the wrong.." he said.

I sighed "Yeah and Gearhead got 30 years for Falcon death. And they appointed butcher as the new VP." "Damn that's crazy, what's Venom been up to then?" I scoff " no one knows he's keeps to himself and just hide I guess. I haven't spoke to him since the funeral last month".

"So he put himself into time out?" We laughed and said " I suppose so but I don't wanna deal with him anymore" with chatted a bit more and then ended the call.

I check on Evie and she was fast asleep and I smiled and went to my bed, Where Kingsley was waiting for me. He slowly takes my clothing off and kisses me and puts my maternity pjs on and helps me get into bed. He also gets in and holds me as I fall asleep with him cuddling me.

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