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I was shocked to hear about falcons death, he was family and a uncle to me and again because of Venom I lost another person. Gearhead was the one who informed me and is also now sitting in jail actually.

He turned himself in and the guilty of killing Falcon got to him and he turned himself in. Maddie has been a mess, crying and drinking and staying here room according to the bartender name Sam.

Venom.. well he just exist now. He was drinking heavily and barely keeping it together himself. Also according to Sam the club has turned their backs on him for the time being.

I was dressed in black heading to the funeral, Kingsley was driving me. I can feel my baby boy moving around and I rubbed my swollen tummy. Kingsley also reached over and rub my tummy and it made me smile. My son likes it when Kingsley rubs my tummy.

As we approached the clubhouse I felt the pain come through me fast. It was just a few days ago we were here for a party and now we back for a funeral, a club member named Butcher greeted me. He was a tall man with a big black beard and nice combed black hair. Maybe around 6 feet or more. Muscular and filled with tattoos, he was one of the new members of the club so I didn't know him much.

"Hello and welcome, I am Butcher the Sargent of arms. It's finally nice to meet you Araceli" we shook hands, "thanks, how long have you been part of the club?" I asked "almost 8 years" he replied. Oh so he came two years after I left.

We went to the back where funeral was happing and he introduced me to his old lady named Mary who was very nice. Kingsley never left my side as the service happened, tears fell down my face as people spoke good things about Falcon.

I looked around and didn't see Venom anywhere. I told Kingsley I was gonna go to the bathroom and he nods and get up but I pat him tell him to stay put. He gives me a look but stays.

I went back into the clubhouse and bee lined it to Venoms office, I knocked and there was no answer. I entered and saw venom drinking a bottle of scotch. He looks tired and dirty and his eyes were blood shot. " Ah well isn't my baby mama.." he laughed. I shake my head "Don't you wanna be part of the funeral?" I asked.

"No I don't wanna go. A man like me can't show his face anymore, I've lost all my respect and trust in my own club house." He took a big swing of his drink.

"You should atleast say goodbye" I whisper and he shakes his head " I'm not worth it anymore..." he started to cry and I looked at him with disgust. Here is a grown man crying because he raped and got his father killed and he hasn't nothing to do but self pity..

I left his office and shut the door, my next target was Maddie but I couldn't find her anywhere. I looked everywhere as well it's like she just disappeared out of think air. I went to Mary and ask her "Where is Maddie?" She looked at me with an empty expression "After Gearhead turn himself in she's been staying at a hotel and not coming to work, we've called her multiple times but no answer." I sighed "You know what hotel?" I asked.

" It's the one off of the side of the freeway, 10 minutes from here" "okay thanks" I wanted to check on her and her side of the story. Something didn't feel right about this, after the service was finished Falcon was buried next to his wife.  Venom never came down  to say goodbye.

We were heading back when I spotted the hotel and told Kingsley to pull over "what Nauseous again?" I rolled my eyes "No I wanna talk to Maddie" he shakes his head but pulls over.

I enter the front and bribe him with some money to give me the room number Maddie was staying at. We got to the door and I began knocking "Maddie? Maddie it's Araceli can you open up?" No responds. I looked at Kingsley and he proceeded to kick the door down.

We enter the room. It was a mess and she was no where in sight. Kingsley check the bathroom and there she was in the tube death with pain pill bottle over her. Her lifeless eyes looking at me..

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