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It's finally time. My small family and Terror were waiting for me. Terror brought his VP and two other people, so now I'll be facing total 8 bikers. I sighed "Why can't men just defend themselves? Why do they always need an arm? Especially towards a woman.." I say as I touch up my makeup.

"Because that's what men do when they are threatened." Kingsley said behind me, he enter the room silently and deadly as usual thinking I didn't know he was sitting there watching me get ready. I looked back at him, his soft brown hair comb and gelled back. His greenish hazel eyes shine as he looked directly at me. He stood there at 6'5 full of muscle and slightly tanned.

If I wasn't so fucked up and pregnant by Venom, I would want to make him my man permanently. But who would want a woman that's carrying another man child. I looked back at myself. I decided to go back to my natural roots which was blonde. I worse semi loose clothing to hide my small bump.

Soon we were walking towards room where my guest was held. Kingsley opens the door and I enter not looking at anyone and sit at the head of the table. Kingsley waves for them to sit down after I do and to my right is Terror and his crew and my left is my family.

I clear my throat and say "Thank you for meeting with me on such a short notice Terror." He looked at me with hate and I smirked at him "Here is the contract, read it and sign it." "Before I do, I want to see my daughter.." he said and I looked at him curiously "Why?" "So I know she's alive and I'll sign." He bargained.

I sighed and smiles "I usually don't bargain but I'll meet you half way on this ... request" I usher Kingsley a nodded and he smirked and opened the door and left with it open. "I suggest you start reading Terror" "I will not-" he was cut off with a high pitched loud scream. They all turned towards the door and Terror looked down at the contract back at me and I smiled.

She screamed again but more in agony, "Please stop I get it she's alive stop hurting her" I shake my head and smiled "oh that's no longer an option, her torture will resume on until you sign the contract." Terror took a sharp breath and melody kept screaming and crying out to her daddy.

Terror quickly looked through the contract and signed and gave it back to me. I checked it slowly and efficiently and smiles "Welcome to the Red Mafia! We're so glad to have you" I smirked "Thank you, please now give me my daughter" he begs and I nod and tell the guard to her and Kingsley. I get up and start walking towards the front entrance of my house. The guards usher for them to follow me out and they open the door and I face terror and his crew.

"Thanks for your cooperation, she's outside" he nods and walks past me and I look at him as he got to his bike and suddenly something smashed the floor, blood everywhere and the sounds her body made as it hit the floor. Everyone gasped and Terror cried out "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" He kneeled down towards the body but couldn't move it.

He had tears in his eyes as he looked up at me with sadness "I did everything you asked... why?" I laughed and wipe my own tears. My father came up and pulled me roughly "why would you kill her Araceli? He did what you asked for?" I ignored my father and pointed behind them all and they all looked.

"Terror look.." his VP said and he looked up at his VP then behind him. There she was being held by guards. It was melody, crying and looked like shit.

"Next time it will be her, takes this warning wisely." I said and before I knew it he was up and out of there with his crew and whore of a daughter. Kingsley came up behind my father and growled "Hand off her.. now.." he said in a low voice.

My father was clearly startled by him as he didn't know he was behind him an Instantly let me go and I finally gave my full attention to my so-called family. They looked terrified and shocked.

The Red Traitor {Black Souls MC}Where stories live. Discover now