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I don't remember a damn thing after Araceli left the party, I remember Sam handing me a beer and then everything else is blurry. I hate to think I did this to Maddie, my mother would be turning in her grave right now. My father barely speaks to me and just stay with me since I can't be alone. I eat in my room and my father wouldn't let me drink an ounce of alcohol.

My phone was being monitored and everyone is avoiding me all together. The entire club knows what happened and some are on my side and some are on Maddie side. Gearhead hates me and degrade me every chance I get, last thing he said to me was "You ruined it with Araceli and now you after my happiness. Go to hell".

I was speechless at that comment and just sat at my desk. My father was on the couch, cleaning his gun. He barely said two words to me since all this has happened and I didn't know why but I felt abandoned by him, I would atleast thought he would believe me.

I haven't been able to get a hold of Araceli either but I'm assuming she knows cause Kingsley call and cussed a storm at me for putting Araceli in such a distress. I looked at my father "dad you believe me don't you?" I silently asked him, he paused his cleaning and sighed.

"I don't know what to believe anymore Venom" he replied with a disappointed look. My heart sank, everyone was turning their backs on me.

Few days later the doctor called and spoke to my father, I was in the room with Gearhead and he looked between us and was keeping a poker face and hung up.

"So what's the deal?" I asked and he looked at me with such hate it made me flinch "The DNA samples match" he said slowly an before I knew it Gearhead swung at me hitting me clear across my face, I went down hard. He got on me and started wailing on me.

I tried blocking him but he wasn't letting up and I can clearly see my father letting him beat me. I managed to get Gearhead off of me and we started fighting again and this time we were tied. All the commotion caused Maddie to come into my office and she gasped and yelled for us to stop and we both paused.

Gearhead went to her as she started to cry and I felt bad "I'm so sorry Maddie, I don't know what happened and I didn't mean it and I'm sorry this happened.." I said with my bloody face and tears in my eyes.

Before she could reply Gearhead yelled "Shut up, don't speak to her. After everything that's happened how could sorry help her." He said pulling his gun and shot at me and I knew I was gonna die but my father pushed me out of the way and got shot himself.

His body dropped with mines and I held him as he choked on his body "dad noooo please don't leave me" I beg and cried "call an ambulance.." I screamed at Maddie and Gearhead, I looked down at my dad and heard him say "Son-" and he exhale and died in my arms. I held him tightly crying "Noooo please.." I yelled into him.

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