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I was currently sitting in a meeting. I had the old lady judge from chains case here and other judge from Gearheads case here, also chains lawyer.

Kingsley was also that with me, he smiled next to me but put on a grimace face for the rest of the them. "Thank you all for meeting me here." I start. They all nodded but stayed quiet. " All of you guys have helped me accomplish a lot of things these past few months and I appreciate all you ... cooperation.".

They again stayed silent ad I turned my gaze upon the lawyer who represented Chains. "All the evidence I gathered helped put Chains permanently away for life, which is exactly what I wanted Him to be confined forever in a dark, and gloomy jail cell." I said with a laughter. They Judge and lawyer looked very uncomfortable as they worked hard to make him look guilt inside of help him.

I look at the other judge who sentenced Gearhead "They max you could do was 30? I guess that's okay it's not like he's gonna get out and know he's been set up. Stil it's a shame he killed Falcon instead of venom, had to do a lot of last minute changes to my plans" he also nods but looks uncomfortable.

I shake my head at these people as they sentence two of my family members to prison all for money I accept to pay. Kingsley wired all the money promise to these court works and kicked them out.

I was just about to make myself a drink when my phone rang "Hello?" "This is butcher.." I sighed and kept it short "Report?" "Venom called ma'am and let me tell you he's going bat shit crazy ... just like you wanted" I can feel the smile on his face.

Yes you guess it Butcher works for me, I paid him off and also made him the president of the club house. Venom thinks he was gonna return and resume his position as president but that's never gonna happen. Because he's never gonna leave that facility. Butchers job is to make sure I am up to date on everything happening to Venom.

Venom trusts butcher so he would update him as much as he can which will keep me two steps ahead of him. Also Dr. Martin had been updating with the medication he's been giving Venom. It cause hallucinations to the point they think they can see and feel what they see. It also gives nightmares and eventually makes the mind more and more crazier.

I was glad to hear that he accepted butcher (Well my) idea about the facility as he was at the so called bbq. I was making my arrangements with Dr. Martin and his staff, didn't take long to bribe the doctor into my order. He gets his month Wires as well. Butcher hung up and thank me for putting him at the top of the pyramid on this club. Him and his old lady are now living more lavishly because of it.

As I walked out toward my back garden and took a seat and sipped tea that was served by my maid. I felt a presence come closer "My I help you Abigail?" I said without turning and she giggled and fell into the seat in front of me "Awww boss you take all the fun out of snicking up on you" she said smirking.

The idiot sitting in front of me was my staff member and part of my mafia that I hired to infiltrate the clubhouse and her close to a certain member and make them fall for her and yes you guess it again. Sitting in front of me was Madison Cooper or specifically know as Abigail Anderson, this was her biological name. I had her make up a legit story and her close to Gearhead.

The whole rape was an orchestrated by me as I had drugged Venom when I kissed him out in the porch that night. And well Abigail took care of the rest. Now Gearhead hates himself and Venom and thinks his love of his life is dead. The torture is beautiful to me.

I dismissed Abigail out of my house and this state and told her to be on stand by just in case I had more plans for her. I check on my son who was fast asleep in his crib and then I check on Evie who was knock out in her little pink bed. The staff was gone snd the house was dark and quiet, I went to my room and saw Kingsley there siting on my bed.

"Can I ask you something as I was dressing in my nightgown that was bright red and seductive, I turned back to him and he was on his knees with a ring in his hand. The ring was absolutely beautiful with diamonds with a gold band.

"Will you marry me?"

To be continued...

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