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I looked down at my brother who was still struggling against the guards holding him down. Then I looked to Nora, she was so gorgeous. Someone like her had a good heart and fell for this piece of shit of a man.

I pity her but I also see myself in her. Then I looked to my niece Evie, I already fell in love with her the minute I saw her and I know exactly what to do when chain's entered this house.

"So brother long time see Nora, you want to say anything to her?" I say smiling and he looks to her "I'm so sorry Nora, I'm gonna get you and Evie out of here." Chains said struggling to talk against the floor. I laughed and so did Kingsley.

"That's nice to hear but Nora and Evie will be residing here now. Also Nora has been gracious enough to sign all her rights to Evie to me now. I'm legally Evie guardian now." I inform him. Nora starts to cry softly "she made me do it." Nora said.

"I'm her father though!" Chains said and I shake my head "Yes, yes you are. But you're not on the birth certificate so technically you don't mean shit" I explained.

Evie started to her fussy and Kingsley passed her on to a new nanny I hired. "Also this is Eleanor, she the new nanny I hired to take good care of Evie while I'm busy" I explained. Eleanor was a woman with brown hair and brown eyes, she was 5 feet tall and pale and skinny. She was in her mid 30s and was best at her job. She also had few experiences with the red mafia so she was well equipped to keep Evie safe.

Eleanor and Evie silently left the room and shut the door leaving us again. I ushered the guards that was holding Nora to come more closer to me. They comply quickly and Nora was kneel in front of me. I looked down at her and wiped her tears softly from a pale skin face.

"Nora I would say welcome to the family but none of us are family right now. But nonetheless I will introduce you. That is my father Thrasher and that's my hand brother Gearhead and my father best friend Falcon and his son Venom." I explained and nods to all of them.

" Chains and Venom and Gearhead was brought up together and were one point inseparable. But long story short you know what happened and how you meet chains. But what brings you here to your knees is what recently took place. You see Venom and I were together but he cheated on me with another women and well that didn't go down well and when I found out chains and the rest protected Venom and not a single one of them gave a fuck about me." I said looking her dead in the eyes.

"So that's why I forced you from your home and brought you and Evie here and signed your rights away and left you more or less alone in the world now" I kept telling her "You are here to make Chains suffer because one thing in the world about my brother is he loves hard. And anyone would be honored to be loved by him. Unfortunately I am not one of them but you are." I smiled.

I stood and had the guards face her towards chains and lift chains to his knees so they were eye contact. "You love her brother?" Chains nods "you would do anything for her?" He nods again "Cherish her and ... Protect her?" I said hesitantly. He looks at me and nodded "Yes Araceli."

"Well-" I sighed and walked backwards slowly "That's a shame you won't be able to do any of that." Kingsley came up behind Nora and wrapped both hands on her small neck and choked her. She gagged and was turning red, tearing up as she gasped for air.

"No please, please don't do this. I'll do anything!!" Chains begs and I smiled and chuckled " Remember I don't do bargains." Few seconds later we hear a snap and Kingsley killed Nora. The guards and Kingsley let her go at the same time and she slumped to the floor with her eyes still open and emotionless.

Chains screamed and cried and called her name begging her to wake up but we all knew she was dead. I walked and stood in front of my brother and forced him to look at me. " Now you know what happens when you don't protect your Queen.." I say and throw them all out of my house.

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