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Kingsley (Short Chapter)

After hearing the phone call between Venom and Terror I knew I had to make a plan and get it started as soon as possible.

I also know Venom will be bring the other three as well, the thought of Chains made my blood boil and I knew he need some suffering as well as he also turned his back on Araceli.

I made some calls and booked some airline tickets and knew I had to inform Araceli as well. I got up from my desk and walked down the halls. My boots smacking the tile as I walk.

A lot of the guards didn't make eye contact as they feared me or respected me, I didn't know which it was and as I knocked on Araceli's door. She didn't respond so I let myself in. She wasn't in her bedroom and I heard the shower.

I made my way over and heard her humming in the shower, after finding out she was pregnant I felt weirdly more protective over her. I undressed and slowly got in as to not to alarm her. She turned just enough to look at me and smile. Something inside of me felt warm when she would give me a genuine smile.

I kissed her neck then her shoulders and held her under the hot water. She wrapped herself against me and let me hold her. Few minutes later I spoke " I came in here to tell you that they all will be accompanying Terror here." She sighed and nods but stays silent.

"I also made some calls to arrange for some upcoming events. Not in any of their favors" I smirks down at her, she turned and smiles widely and I lift her gently and enter her.

She gasps and wraps her arms around my neck, I slowly thrust and push her again the cold bathroom wall and she Moans and bites her lips and kisses me all over. She begs for more and I comply with her demands. As we both climax and breathe hard I put her down and wash her and myself.

I say as I exit the tub "we'll be ready for them..".

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