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(Three month's later)

I finally just hit my 6th month and I'm glad because the first trimester was annoying the shit out of me, I can actually hold food down more. I'm glad Kingsley and Eleanor were here to help me.

I was currently on the way to the doctors with Kingsley, today we gonna examine my baby head to toe and also find out the gender. I was excited and scared at the same time, I really wished my mother was here.

Soon the doctor started the examination, " There is the two hands, two legs, body and head. All organs look good and in place. Alright you ready for the gender?" She asked me and I quickly nodded and she moved the device that was roaming my stomach to the right spot and said "Looks like you are having a boy! Congratulations!!" She said and I geared up seeing my baby on the monitor.

My baby boy! Kingsley was at the foot of my bed seat and watching the whole thing and he reached out and held my hand and smiled down at me as he wiped my tears. After that beautiful moment we were on the way home when my brother's lawyer called "Hello?" I answered.

"Hello ma'am, it's Mr. Parker here. Chains lawyer!" He said in an annoyed tone "Yes I know. What is it?" I asked "well it's not looking good for chains as of right now. They found evidence of his drug day and also some smuggling as well and I believe with this record he maybe an accomplish in a few shoot out or murder." He explained in a solemnly tone.

"Okay and what is going to happen?" He sighed "I don't think the judge will give him a deal. More like life sentence with the possibility of no parole.." he continued. I gasped and yelled back "Well do your job to make sure that doesn't happen.. what the hell do I pay you for" "yes ma'am I'll do my best" and quickly ended the call.

Life in prison.. I just got my brother back and now he was gonna be taken again from me. Even in death my father is ruining everything. I updated Kingsley on the case and he didn't respond, he still disliked chains and didn't care.

When I was home I decided to take a shower and lay down but before I did I decided to call my brother. I had an inside guy that could connect me to him. I dialed the number "Yes my Queen?" He answered "Connect me to chains now" I said. He put me on hold and 5 minutes later, chains answered.

"Hello?" He said "chains.." I said with tears. "Araceli? What's wrong? Are you okay?" He quickly asked "yeah I am. Mr. Parker called me earlier.." I replied "Oh yeah? What he say?" He asked "it doesn't look good, they found some evidence from your days in Ireland, and they might use it against you and there maybe be no deal to make to get you out. I told Mr. Parker to do everything he can." I said sniffle and wiping my tears.

"Araceli it's gonna be okay. Just take care of yourself and Evie for me." He replied and more tears fell down my face "I will don't worry. Also I'm having a baby boy." I told him "A boy? I'm so happy for you!" He said excitedly. "Well I have to go, you be safe okay" chains said and hung up. I laid down in bed and sighed.

The Red Traitor {Black Souls MC}Where stories live. Discover now