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It's been three weeks since everything has gone down, after being thrown out of Araceli house we went back home more defeated than anything.

Araceli graciously let us take Nora body back and we gave her a proper funeral. Chains has been a crying mess ever since her death. Nothing consol him. He's been drinking and staying in his room mostly. Thrasher tried calling Araceli to let him see his grand baby Evie but she declined.

Chains hasn't asked once about Evie probably because she was the spitting image of Nora just with green eyes. I was also expecting a child on the way not know if I'll ever know what's going with that either. Paperwork was filed and I got my confirmation in the email so no I have no legal right to my own child.

My father also been mess, he told me when I was in my 20s that his grand baby was gonna be his pride and joy no matter what gender but now Araceli robbed him from that as well. But deep down I know it's all my fault in this. For Nora to my own child and melody. I'm the fucking problem.

Gearhead came running into my office "it's chains, he tried to kill himself. We got to go now." We both ran to chains room where thrasher was getting an unconscious chains out of the bath tube and my father was calling the ambulance. The paramedics came and got chains and thrasher and my father went with him.

There was blood all over the tube and the water was red from it. Gearhead had some prospect clean it all up and few hours later my father called "hello?" "Hey just updating you on chains. He's gonna be ok but they gonna keep him in the hospital for a few nights. Also when he's more functional they're gonna do a psych evaluation on him since this was a suicide attempt. Thrasher said to call Araceli as well." He hung up.

Gearhead was Eager to know "He's okay but then wanna keep him there and do a psych evaluation on him." I explained and Gearhead nodded "I think that will help him. Can you imagine losing him for the second time." Gearhead said shaking his head and drinking his beer.

I pats his back and go to my office, I sit in my chair and contemplate what I was gonna tell Araceli. I dialed her cellphone "Hello?" "Hey it's Venom, I'm just letting you know that chains is in the hospital.." she sighed "what happened?" "He attempted suicide but we got to him in time and he's at the hospital now. After he recovers the doctor advise a psych evaluation on him." I explained.

She stayed silent during my explanation, "Alright thank you for letting me know.." she hung up before I could reply and I slammed the phone on my desk. How could she be so emotionless to this. How cruel..

The Red Traitor {Black Souls MC}Where stories live. Discover now