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I was currently sitting and waiting for my brother's trial, the policeman brought my brother in and sat him down with all these chains on. We made eye contact and I nodded at him.

His lawyer said next to him and was waiting the verdict, the judge was an old woman in her 50's with her grayish-Blonde hair in a bun.

"Mr. Chains stand up." The judge said my brother and his lawyer stood before her. "The jury has decide that we find you guilty of murder, guilty of drug possession and guilty of drug trafficking. You have received life sentences with no chance of parole." She slams her hamlet and the case adjourned.

Tears where in my eyes as I might next been able to see my brother because they was transported him to the city prison which was hours away from here. I stood up quickly and managed to get one hug before they drag him away.

"Take care of yourself and Evie" he said before the doors closed. I wiped my tears and left the court and went home. My son and Evie were asleep and after everything a nap sounded like a good thing. As I laid in bed exhausted of the day I felt the bed dip and I turned to see Kingsley getting in.

"You know I can sleep on my own now..?" I told him as her Cuddles me "I know but this time it's just us." He said and I giggled and he kissed my neck and I softly moaned. Soon we were naked and I was on top of him. Riding him nice and slowly, making my hips grind him in a circle rotation.

He groan from under me and I fastened my pace on him and he held my hips, suddenly he pulled my hair back and arched my back and started to slamming into me and I moan loudly. He flipped me off of him and I landed on my stomach and he pushed back into me and started thrusting into me hard.

I whimpered into my pillow as I was grabbing the sheets, the bed was shaking as he slammed into me. "Oh god please more" I begged and he grabbed my hair again and pushed my head more into the pillow as he went harder against me.

I can feel myself getting lost in my high as he kept going, I thought to myself 'Venom could never beat him at this..' and soon I orgasm so hard my legs shook. We were panting and he slide out of me and turned me on my back, I looked up at him and he slowly moved my legs and enter back inside of me.

I softly moan and he kissed me as he thrusted more and more into me, we were both sweating by the time Kingsley climaxed.

He looked at me as he laid next to me and smirked, I couldn't help but smirk back.

The Red Traitor {Black Souls MC}Where stories live. Discover now