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My family and I walked back inside my house and the door shut right after us. Kingsley and some guards stood in front of the door. They knew there was no escaping now, "I smiled and looked at each one of them and Venom the last "Do anyone have anything to say?" I start.

My father looked at me and then Venom and said "Listen Poppet, I know your anger and your anger is justified. But please listen to what he has to say before anything" I sighed and motion for Venom to speak.

He stepped forward and cleared his throat and started speaking softly "Araceli ..." I closed my eyes and deeply exhaled and sat down. You hate him because Of all the hurt.. remember that. You're not a little girl anymore, don't let him see you weak. But god I wanted to cry and stab him at the same time.

"I'm so sorry for hurting you. I take full responsibility for my actions and I will take any punishment you give. As long as you forgive me and come back to me.." he said. His words repeated in my head, but I wasn't satisfied I looked up at him and I can see that he genuinely regretted everything.

But it was too late now...

"Ok I will forgive you if you do something for me.." I said and he nods quickly and Kingsley comes up behind him and hands him a paperwork and he grabs it and looks it over.

"What is this?" Falcon said for the first time, "He's going to signed the right away to any child we conceive. He won't  have a part in their lives unless I say so. He will have to go through me to see them, hear from them. Do you agree?" I say.

"I will have no say whatsoever in their lives?" Venom asked and I nod slowly and he looks through the papers and just signed. Kingsley took the papers and looked them through and nodded at me. I smiled and said "You are forgiven Venom.. but unfortunately I don't want to resume this relationship. I want to keep it business only."

"Why make him sign, when you don't want anything to do with him?" Gearhead said. "Because I'm already pregnant and he doesn't get the right to anything with me or this child. I Will raise this child, the way I want to. Not single one of you bikers will touch this child." I said seething at them.

"But this is my first grandchild Araceli.." falcon said softly and I shake my head "Oh uncle, Venom just signed his rights away so no you're not.." I said back with no remorse.

"You can't do this..?" My father said and I looked at him. Here he was defending a man that hurt his daughter over and over again. Yet he keeps defending his biker family over me. "You always choose them over your own family father. How dare you say I can't? Why can't I? Why would I give him that right? He forfeited that right when he fucked that whore.." I screamed at my father.

"He's just like you ... a vile, arrogant cheater. Who only looks after himself and his MC. This what mother must of felt that day finding about Gearhead." I kept yelling. That shut my father up and he backs off.. Venom and Gearhead and his father were speechless.

I finally looked at my Brother, he's been quiet this whole time and looking away from me but I knew he felt me stare at him and he meet my hatful gaze.

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