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My party was a a good idea since everything that's happened. I saw Falcon helping clean up after the party and I decided to help him. I didn't know where Venom or Maddie was but I still stayed around the bar and cleaned.

Falcon got tired since he's an old man now and he bid me goodbye to bed. I was putting the empty beer bottles away into the garbage and came inside. Standing by the bar was Maddie I approached her and she didn't look right. Her clothing was ripped and hair was messy and she was crying.

I dropped the dust bin and came face to face with her and she was still crying and wouldn't look at me "Maddie? What happened?" I asked frantically and she shakes her head not wanting to answer.

"Please let me help you.. what happened?" I asked again, she looks at me with her watery eyes. "I- I was going to the bathroom and when I was done Venom stopped me. He seemed drunk and wanted to talk but I didn't feel comfortable with him alone in his drunk state. So I excuse myself and he got mad and grabbed me and pulled me into his office and started ripping my clothing off. I tired fighting him Gearhead but he was too strong.." she explained crying into my chest.

"Did.. Did he fully-" I couldn't finish my sentence and she nodded in my chest. Anger filled me immediately and I lifted Maddie and took her into my room, I told her I would be back and she just laid down not responding. I walked aggressively to Venom office and when I slammed the door open I saw Venom in his boxers on his leather couch and there was finger nail marks all over his body and I could see Maddie tried to put up a fight.

Venom was out cold snoring away after he just raped my girlfriend, I pulled my gun and was about to open fire when my hand was pushed up and I looked to see Falcon there. The shot woke Venom up and he sat up disoriented "Gearhead what the hell are you doing?" Falcon asked angrily and I replied "Your son raped my girlfriend and was napping away and I want him dead."

Falcon looked shocked and looked at Venom "Is this true?" He asked and Venom didn't realize he was being spoken too and was scratching his head still disoriented. Falcon came closer and saw the marks on his son and flinched as he smack the shit out Venom.

That woke Venom fully up and he stood up and growled at his dead "What the hell was that for?" He asked "I asked you a question boy.. is what Gearhead said true?" Falcon said again and Venom looked at me with my gun in my hands and the anger look on my face.

"What happened?" Venom asked looking between Falcon and I. "You forced yourself upon Maddie when she was returning from bathroom.." I said and Venom widened his eyes and shook his head "No I would never do such a thing.." he said frantically.

"Looked at yourself Venom.." Falcon said and he looked back at his down and then down at his chest and again his eyes widen, he saw all the marks and scratches all over his chest and neck and shoulders. Falcon and I both stared at him and he gulped and looked at the floor. "I don't remember a thing" he silently said. We both stood there speechless.

We called the club doctor to do a rape kit on Maddie and also take DNA from her mouth and nails. We also took DNA samples from Venom to see if the Story matched. The doctor said it will take a few days and in that time, Venom will be confined in his room or office and never to be alone.

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