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It's been a week since Thrashers funeral. The club has been quiet and so has been Araceli. My father has been in a depressive state since Thrashers passing and I couldn't blame him. He lost his brother and best friend so early in life. My aunt from Florida couldn't make it to the funeral but since her condolences and called my father to check on him.

Gearhead has been quiet and drinking as well, he's been in his room a lot and just comes out for alcohol or food. Chains in jail and a lawyer that Araceli hired for him is working on his case. None of us visited him since we all kind of blame him for Thrashers death.

I was walking from my room toward the kitchen when I saw a women in there that I didn't recognize "Who are you?" I asked and she Yelp and turned around and put a hand on her chest "Omg you sacred me.. I'm Madison Cooper. But you can call me Maddie, I'm your new bartender!" She said with a toothy smile.

She has short black hair and hazel eyes and was like 5'7 with a slime body and tan skin.  I nodded " I'm Venom the club president. Who hired you?" She looked around thinking "I think name was Gear something. I was hired few days ago." "Oh Gearhead hired you, he's the vice president of the club." She smiles and nods.

Speak of the devil Gearhead walked in and stopped when he saw us. I looked at him while Maddie waved at him "I see you meet the new bartender.." he said opening the fridge. Maddie makes her exit as she had to returned to the counter.

"I didn't know we need a bartender?" I said as we sat down at the table. This is the first conversation since the funeral "Sam has been complaining for help for the longest and Maddie literally walked in for a drink and asked for a bartender job and I so happened to be sitting right there. So I took her back to my office she filled an application out and I interviewed her and well was hired" he said calmly.

I nodded "How have you been?" He sighed "I don't know, I just found out he's my dad this whole time and then he was taken out by his own son.. not much time to process everything properly.." I couldn't blame his explanation, everything happened to fast.

We both stayed silent after that and then we both parted way I went to my office to do more paperwork and as the it become night. I was mentally tired and in need for a beer.

As I walked towards the bar I can see Maddie's bubbly self serving Alcohol and making some talk with Gearhead and surprisingly he was laughing with her. I was glad he was lighting up with someone. I grabbed a beer from Sam and sat next to my dad who was drinking alone in the Corner.

"You aunt is harassing me.." he said and I chuckled "She worried about you. She knows how close you and thrasher was." He sighed. "Didn't think it would hurt so much losing a brother like that." I stay silent, I looked towards the bar and saw Gearhead and Maddie giving each other the goggly eyes. The hell is happening over there. 

The Red Traitor {Black Souls MC}Where stories live. Discover now