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Few days has passed since my father's suddenly death, the funeral was today. It was at the compound but my father was gonna be buried next to my mom at the local cemetery.

The whole club was there and so was myself and Evie and  Eleanor and Kingsley. We all wore black and then club glared mostly at us. Chains decided he didn't wanna go but before the funeral happened police officers came and got home. So he's not residing within the county jail waiting for trial.

The service was beautiful, some people from the club spoke and one of them being Falcon. His speech really got to me the most. Some of the towns folks came that knew him and they gave me their sympathies as well and soon my father was buried. I put white roses on his grave and my mother's.

As I was walking back to my car, Venom stopped me "Hey.." I looked back at him "Hello, Venom?" I said back confused. These past few days he hasn't talked or approached me " I just wanted to check on you .. and the baby?" He said hesitantly and I smiled softly " We are both okay. I just enter my fourth month now. Baby healthy and on time as of now" I inform him.

He smiled and nods " that's good, listen I know I haven't said much these days but I'm sorry about thrasher and I'm here if you need me.." I nod "thank you.." he nods and walks away. I got into the car and Kingsley drove off.

"What he say?" Kingsley asked, I rolled my eyes "He's sorry for my dad and was checking on me and the baby.." I sighed. Kingsley smirks and puts a hand on my thigh and I looked back at him and smirked.

Evie was fast asleep in the back in her car seat and Eleanor next to her. As we got home Eleanor room Evie for her nap, while as I walked in slowly as I felt tired. Kingsley came up behind me and lifted me bridal style, I was taken aback "What are you doing?" I asked and he smirked "You need to nap, you're crabby.." I giggled.

We got to my room and shut the door and I kissed him and he kissed back. He gently puts me on the bed and takes my clothes off while I do the same to him and soon he was inside of me. Usually he goes fast and hard but this time he was slowly making love to me and god it felt good.

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