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Should I just end myself? I took another swing of my whiskey. My father's Dead, thrasher is dead, Gearhead in jail and hate my guts. Maddie killed herself over the guilt and chains don't care for us and is in jail waiting trail.

Araceli hasn't said anything to me since my dad funeral, I finally visited my dad's graves and cried and beg him to forgive me, it was all my fault.

I kept drinking and I heard a knock at the door "Come in?" I said butcher enter and sat down. He was is one of the new members and he earned his right on three club. His old lady Mary is the best cook we have "Hey just checking on you.." he said and I sighed "I'm good just don't worry." I replied.

"Maybe you should seek help.." I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" I asked, he cleared his throat "well I mean you've been through a lot the past few months and I think you should go to like a rehabilitation center or something. Have someone professional help you through your grief" he said.

"Also you been drinking a lot lately and not even eating properly. You are killing yourself.." he said and I shake my head "not like I have much to live for anymore." I said solemnly.

"The club care for you and we think you need help so you can get better and be the President you use to be. We are all worried for you.." he said concerned. I didn't know what to say, butcher and I weren't close but we were brothers after all.

I knew what he was saying was the truth, I needed help and I won't get it unless I take the first step. I put my Alcohol away and nod at him.

"You are right, I can't just sulk anymore. I have to keep moving forward. I'm gonna get help for myself and try to get better for myself and the club and my son." I said with a little ounce of pride. Butcher smiled and said Mary and him will help me find a place.

I thanked him and he was gonna grill some burgers and told me to come joined him. It's been a while since I ate with my club and decided that I need to go and try to have a life again.

The Red Traitor {Black Souls MC}Where stories live. Discover now