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I looked at a picture of my mom and my brother and I, we was so happy back then. Tears welled in my eyes as I almost again lost my brother. I hate him but he's my brother and I didn't wanna lose him again. Why couldn't he just protect his little sister..

I wiped my tears and decided to pay him a visit. It was 2:30 in the morning and I know the hospital should be slow and quiet. Easy enough for me to slip in and out. I dressed in all black and tied my blonde hair into a low bun and made my way to the hospital. Just in case I did text Kingsley my whereabouts, he tends to worry like a grandma.

We got to the hospital and I was sent to the 10th floor and I enter and saw my dad and uncle knocked out in the waiting room area. I slipped past him and I enter my brother room, I can hear him breathing softly "Nora?" He said thinking it was her behind the curtain and I smirked and showed my face slowly from the darkness.

"No brother it's me.. Araceli." I said and he looked uncomfortable but remained silent. "I want to check on you.." I said softly as I sat at the edge of his bed. "Why? You don't care about me? You killed Nora and took Evie from me.." he said angrily.

"Nora was a lesson you needed to learn. And of course I care for you that's why I am here.." I said and he stay quiet but with a hateful gaze. "Speaking of Evie, yes I do have her but not once these past three weeks have you asked for her.." I pointed out which made him look away and back at me "would you let me?" He asked I nodded.

"Like I said on my terms but yes I would. Maybe when you get better. You trying to take your life is serious Chains, I didn't want that for you. I wanted you to learn a lesson. Put yourself in my shoes how would you feel? You own father and brother protect a person that hurts you? Do you think I would protect a person that hurts you? No I wouldn't." I said softly to him.

"I truly have been a bad brother huh.." he said looking at his hands with tears in his eyes. I sighed and didn't answer. I grabbed his hands and looked him dead in his eyes. "It's not too late now, be the brother you should've been to me. Protect me and I'll protect you." I said.

"Nora's death isn't my fault, it is Venoms fault. You know it. He's the problem, he slept with melody and made you out to the bad guy and took Gearhead down with you and well you know dad he's always been about the club. But in the end they are to blame for all of this .. Not me." I explained and sighed as I wiped his tears.

He's nods and acknowledges my explanation, " I want to come home Araceli. I wanna Ruin these bastards with you.." he said and I smirked.

The Red Traitor {Black Souls MC}Where stories live. Discover now