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It's been three months since everything has happened, Araceli is 6 month pregnant now so she heavily showing and Maddie and Gearhead are dating now, which I'm so happy about. My father has been getting better since Thrasher death, chains is still jail.

I was drinking my beer when Maddie approached me "Hey Venom, I was wondering what are your plans on Gearhead a birthday?" My eyes widened as I totally forgot that tomorrow is his birthday "definitely gonna have a club party and you can have that day off. Maybe bbq and such I guess." I said and she narrowed her eyes "You forgot didn't you..".

I sighed "Yes but we will do all that!" I gave her an innocent smile and she shakes her head and walks away. I walked up to my office later and decide that I should atleast tell Araceli about tomorrow because last time I did tell her something bad happened.

I shake my head and dial her number "Hello?" She said in a sleepy tone "Hey it's Venom, tomorrow is Gearhead birthday and we having a bbq party. Thought I let you know." I replied.

"Oh yeah? Thanks for the invite, I'll see if I can come. Also I am having a boy!" She said in a cheerful tone, I didn't miss the 'I' in that sentence instead of 'we' but remained silent about that "Oh really? That's great." I said. She soon hung up since I disturbed her nap and Gearhead came into my office.

"So I hear we partying tomorrow?" He fold his arms and raised an eyebrow and I nod "Yes we are celebrating how old ass shit you are.." I replied laughing "Fuck you" but he laughed too.

"Araceli having a boy." I said pouring myself more whisky and giving him a glass as well. He looked at me and I knew he was looking at me for my emotions but I kept my eyes on my glass. "How do you feel?" He asked, "Happy and sad I guess.. don't know how much I'm gonna be in this kids life you know." I took a big gulp of my drink.

He remained quiet after that conversation and left with Maddie to get stuff ready for tomorrow. I sat in my office and just stare at my desk for hours thinking about Araceli.

The Red Traitor {Black Souls MC}Where stories live. Discover now