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I told Eleanor to take Evie to the car and she quickly gets her from chains and leaves the room. The ambulance was already on the way and my dad was the worse of it. Chains shot him in the neck and he was bleeding out, chains packed some of his stuff and we left.

Gearhead got patched up quickly as his should wasn't to much damage but my father was in surgery mostly. Doctors trying to save his life. Chains settle into a room into my house and I let him get comfortable as I walked to my own room where Kingsley was waiting for me.

"Why is he back?" He swore under his breath, I Undress and get into bed as I was exhausted from the day event. " he's here because I told him he can comeback. Also I want you to keep a close eye on him." Kingsley sighs and nods and leaves the room.

A week goes by and I stay away from the club and I have doctors keeping me updated on my father. Bribing at its finest, my father is in a coma as of right now. I let chains know that if he dies then he would be in trouble but I would do my best to protect him.

Chains has been getting closer to Evie. She loves him already and he's showing promise to being a good dad since we had a shitty one.

I got a call from Venom and decided to answer since he's reaching out first "Hello?" I say softly "Araceli it's me Venom, you have to come to the hospital right now.." he said "why? What's happened?" I asked. He quickly said "Doctor said they are losing him and they trying everything but he isn't responding well to the treatment. They said earlier today he started to convulsing randomly and took him back for anything surgery..".

"I'm on my way then" I said and left the house with Kingsley and rush to the hospital. I got there and saw Venom, Gearhead and Falcon in the waiting area "How long has he been back there?" "Almost an hour.." Gearhead said and I sighed..

Few hours later the doctor that was handling the surgery came to the waiting room "Family of Thrasher??" We all stood up and he walked toward us "I'm sorry to say then but we couldn't save him. We did everything we could.." he said with sympathy in his eyes.

My eye welled up and I said "Can we see him?" The doctor nods and leads us to the back rooms where my father body waited. He's body was cover under a white sheet and the doctor showed us his face. I sat next to her bed and I couldn't hold my tears back and let them fall. While I silently cried I could hear soft sniffles coming from Falcon and sorrowed looks on Venom and Gearhead faces.

Kingsley stayed in the background with an emotionless expression and I looked back at my daddy who was gone..

The Red Traitor {Black Souls MC}Where stories live. Discover now