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Osamu dazai and his younger twin sister (f/n) dazai finaly leave the mafia for good. However dazai knows that his sister should never fall into mafias hands again so he tells her to stay hidden.

This story might contain spoilers idk where this story will go

Also this fic will contain gramma and spelling errors so dont go crying about it

(F/n) pov

Its been years since me and my brother left the mafia. He still says am not allowed to go out 'its too dangerous' he says. Pff yeah right they probably think am dead.

Mabye when osamu is back out i will sneek out and prove him wrong and that the mafia are no longer after me. Besides if he's aloud out why aren't i?

And like come on cuz he's 20 minutes older doesn't mean he can tell me what to do!

"Oh darling baby sisterrr" talk of the devil... he's here "huh your face... dont tell me your gonna ask that question again" dazai sighs out loud.

"Yes! And i will say it again and again! I wanna go out!"

Dazai grabs my cheeks and squishes it "aww my darling baby sister you need to say inside"

I sware if he gose mother mode one more time!

"The port mafia probably think am-"

"Sshhhh baby sister"


"Ugg fine one day"



"In 100 years my little sister" dazai patted my head and when to cook some food. Curse you...


Next morning dazai gose out to work... mmm i could mimic a an ability but i dont know how long i will last. But it has been awhile  so i should alright.

I pulled out my note book and turned to the page that had the ability i needed "mimic from the book: the world has seen nothing " i activated my copy ability and turned invisible and placed my notebook in my pocket. Aslong as its on me i can use my ability.

Am so glad i found this when dazai completely disposed it. Time to explore.

I climed out of the window and closed it slightly, so i can open it later, and when of to explore. The wind feels so peaceful, the sun is warm and the sounds of people makes my world feel.... less empty.

I remember the first time i felt this... back then when i was 15. I feel a little more human more alive.

Mmmmm i wonder what dazai is doing. Cant hurt to check right?

421 words

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