chapter 18

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Chapter 18- party

Dazai's pov

Am happy for her, my little sister. If am being honest (f/n) did better then i predicted. I guess i shouldn't underestimate her , maby she could rival ranpo one day haha.

"Hey dazai" i heard ranpo from behind me. I turned around and looked at him. "Are you aware that-"

"Yes i am aware" i cut of ranpo

"I am very aware about"

(F/N) pov

Its been a few hours since i found the arsonist. The ada took this as an excuse to celebrate and patry , i mean i dont mind its a great excuse.  Yosano was on the floor drunk, kyoka and kenji are drinking carbonated drink , kunikida was stressing a little but he did try and enjoy him self and atsushi was trying to help yosano of the floor.

Huh now that i think about it a few people are missing... i think the siblings arnt here since its late, ranpo is probably on a job and dazai.... probably dazai stuff. "You seamed troubled" i looked behind me and saw fukuzawa "oh am fine... just wandering where my brother was"

"Did someone say my name?" I look behind the door and saw dazai finaly arriving with ranpo behind him. "Me and dazai had a job... anyways where the sweets/candy" ranpo pusged dazai and ran straight for the table. Typical ranpo.

I felt dazai pat my head, ugg i hate it when he dose that "good jobs today sis" dazai then fixed my collar and then then walked over the the couch and put on head phones on.... wait he fixed my collar? Huh i didn't knowtist it was wonky.

After a while of partying i needed some fresh air. I walked onto the roof of the building and sat down... the city is nice at night.  

"Ahh there you are enigma" am unfamiliar voice came behind me. I felt his breath on my neck "tell me that note book in your pocket... where did you find it?" I felt this man place a gun behind my back i felt anxiety run across my body.

"I had it since i was little... i dont remember at all" i said to him. I then heared him laugh "tell me... do you know the cover of this note book?" He reached into my pocket and pulled the notbook out

"No it never did"

The man then flicked through the note book "so many abilities you have enigma... tell me why you got them?" I looks up at me with his dark eyes "for my ability 'Mimic by the book' "

I saw the mans eyes widen then he let out an sinister laugh "with then... this is yours then" the man then placed somthing red ontop of my notpad and passed it to me.

"By the way they names Fyodor" the man then completely vanished ... fyodor? Never heard of that name before. I looked down at what this fyodor game me and my eyes widened...

It was a red cover that matched my notpad.... and the title read 'the book' with the first two words scratched out....

I wonder what they are...

533 words

Cant wait for seson 5 ^^

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