chapter 11

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Chapter 11- danger

Tw: kidnapping

(f/n) pov

Me and Atsushi looked around for any hiding. But there was only the closet and there was only room for one. "Atsushi get in" i pushed Atsushi in and grabed on of the dresses.

"Wait what are you doing?"

"Improvising now shh" i closed the wardrob door and quickly got in the dress.... oh god am regreting this so much.
I plased on a dress as the two men came in.

"Well well... a lady was in this room" one of the men looked over "quite a cute one... say how about you come with us"

"Yeah our bo- err i mean buddys would surely love you"

Did he almodt say boss? This feels sketchy "how about no you came storming into the room! Why should i go with you?" Maby i can get them away with an act. "Haha i like your attitude"

Damn it maby not "hey... how much you think shes worth Tsumi?" One of the men wispered

"Damn it not so loud Yokubo"

"Worth? Are you guys selling people or somthing?"i asked them. These men could be our culprits. "Damn it she figured it out. Welp guessing we are taking this cute gurl then" the man who i think is called Tsumi came over and picked me up.

Welp this is an issue...

Atsushis pov

Oh no they took (f/n)! Gotta let the others know and fast! I got out of the closet and found kunikida and Tanizaki "guys bad news! There was these men and they look (f/n)! I think they are our kidnappers"

(F/N) pov

I was escorted to the car that the men own. Looks very expensive. Whoever these people are sure have alot of monye "so then... where are we going" i asked them

Yokubo laughed "well we are going to our place to sell you"

"Yeah! Oh your going to be worth so much"

Man what did i get myself into...

333 words

Sorry this was short

After this chapter i am gonna have a little brake!

Probably for a few weeks or days

Am close to the end of my collage so i just wanna focus on then ^^

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