chapter 25

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Chapter 25- the dogs attack

No ones pov

after a few hours (f/n) exsplain to them about dazai working at the ADA to 'work of debt and time'

Juno and tetcho both seem to be interested about Dazai working at the ADA and they ask (f/n) a lot more questions about him working there.
They both seem to take their time to take notes of everything (f/n) said about that they can use that information later.

From the conversation, she make them believe that  Dazai has no reason to commit any crimes anymore.

"Is that all you needed?"(f/n) asked them

"Hmm." Tetcho and junk look at each other for a moment but then they both nod "Yes, I think that about covers everything."
They say this as they both give a slight smile to thank the girl for her cooperation.

"We need to get going now so we can tell our superiors about his work experience and everything you said." They both get up and start walking towards the door but they stop before leaving

"Ma'am, what is your name, if I may ask?"

"Its.... (f/n)"

"Well (f/n), just know that you have helped us out a lot by giving us this information."

They say this in a friendly and polite way.

(f/n) watched them leave and she sighs in relief . However,  she doesn't know how they got dazais pic but not hers...

How strange...

The investigators walk to their vehicle and start driving back to the agency.
Before they enter the vehicle, Tetcho makes sure to write all of the information he got from (f/n) in his note book.

"Fukuchi... we have information on dazai"

(F/N) pov

Damn it i need to act fast!

I pulled out my note book and skimmed through the pages to find a ability to mimic.

The information i gave them are about a 'criminal' right so this should work. Since its evidence about a someone committing multiple crimes.

"mimic by the book: The Perfect Crime" if this works then everything they wrote down and remember should be gone.... at least i hope.

I picked up the phone and called dazai "hey dazai... i might have-"

"Yes i know.... the ability you mimic should do the trick" i heard his voice from behind the door... how long was he here for? " you did well i must say... you past the test!"

A.... test?

410 words

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