chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - found out

Oh i forgot to say

(F/N)- fem name

(E/C)- eye colour

(F/N) pov

Dazai walked over and put his hand on my shoulder and cancelled my ability, there for reveling myself, "ah my little sister how many times did i telling you not to go outside" Dazai didn't look or sound made but i could tell he was a little mad.

"H-huh?" Everyone but the dark haired boy behind me looked over to me in shock, who can blame then though. If i sudenly sow a girl appeare out of no where i would also be confused. Dazai then booped my nose "to be honest i thought you would of done this long ago"

I looked at him in confusion "wait so your saying i could of left at anytime?" Dazai then gave out a chuckle "i wanted to test your patience its all, gotta say you lasted longer then i thought"

Of course he wasn't careless when he tried to get rid of my notbook. He did it on purpose! "Dazai your so mean!" I punched him , but not to hard, in the stomach.

"Huh dazai you have a sister?"

"Told you she would punch you idiot"

"New recruit? Aww shes cute"

A few more people came walking into the office to see what was happening "gotta say little sis. It was a bit stupid of you using your ability"

I laughed at him "haha dont worry big bro its been years am sure that i" sudenly i started to cough out blood.

Oh no.... i guess i still cant... use my ability without coughing blood.

I grew more and more dizzy till i began to fall. Dazai quickly cached me "quite where yosano!?"

"Is she allright?"

"Oh no"

"(f/n) little sis stay with me"


Dazai's pov

Its been a few hours since (F/N) passed out. Yosano did a check up and said she will be okay. Sigh can say am surprised she lasted so long... mabye her not using her ability for a while help her use it longer.


"(F/N) are you awake?" I heared her slowly wake up. Her (E/C) eyes slowly opened and looking over at me. She then smiled and gave a small chuckle "what do you think?... where are we?" She quetioned.

I helped (F/N) get of the bed. "This is my work... the armed Detective agency"

"The what?"


(F/N) pov

After meting everyone in the agency i feel very welcome. Everyone is very nice and there are no bad people.

Kunikda- the workaholic

Atsushi- the cat? (Thats how dazai described him)

Yosano- the doctor

Ranpo- the big brain guy

Fukuzawa- the boss

The Tanizaki siblings- never apart

Kenji- the optimistic

And a few others

I think i will be okay

"Oh by the sis did anyone see you?" Dazai gave me a pat on the head. I looked at him and shook my head. He sighed "good... cant let them know your here"

"Oh no need to worry big bro"

They probably think am dead anyways...

??? Pov

I knew it.... she is still alive

If dazai was.... (F/N) would be too.

Am glad i kept looking for you.

541 words

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