chapter 32

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Chapter 32- seeing is believing

(F/N) pov

Ranpo perks up his head "That must be it! He could very well be the culprit! You see, he could use his ability to hide his presence on the timeline! That's it! That's a great start!" Ranpo praised me.

"Oh err.. thanks ...i wonder why he would do that" why would dazai tamper with my notes? Mabye he wanted to help me?

Ranpo stuffed his face with more sweets, how has he not rotten any teeth yet? "Yes, that is key... We need to understand his reasons for altering your notebook. Hmmm..."

he then hums and taps his head while thinking.*
"The only way to find out more would be to ask him, however... He can be vague at times... "

Tell me about it...."I would however he said  that i had to find the truth on my own... so i dont think he will help" well he did with the ability but knowing dazai thats all he will do. He such a lazy bones.

Ranpo  thinks for a moment before turning to me "if we look deeper into this ability, we might be able to find out why he altered it..."
he thinks for a moment before turning towards me with a smile on his face.
"This ability allows you to see the history of each object, right? So... what happens, if you look at the history of the notebook itself?"

Oh he has a point "Mmm i could try"

"Give it a try! " ranpo then waits to hear the results from me. I then start using the ability to look into the books history.

The timeline of the notebook itself is a little bit more complex. There was information from various points in history, but no clear information as to where it had originated from. "Hmm... It appears to be a rather mysterious notebook. It's almost as if the notebook itself just appeared out of nowhere. I do wonder where it could have come from... Hmmm." Ranpo says, sounding intrigued.

" i wonder that too" i looked into the time line more... then i saw it "Oh my... these pages are from a different book!" My eyes widened "It said these pages where ripped out of one book and put all together... so someone created this book out of another?"

Ranpo then leans forward, looking over my shoulder  "Really?! This is truly intriguing! So someone collected various pages from different book, to create this mysterious notebook, you say? This is truly one of the greatest mysteries I've encountered so far!
he seems thrilled to be on a new 'case', and looks excitedly for more information.

I looked into the time line more i then lets out a gasp "This note book of mine was made by an old freind of mine" it makes sence now he wad the one who gave me this.

Ranpo then looked very happy wecare now getting somewhere "Ooh! That's wonderful! Then we can ask this friend all about the notebook! We can ask them why those pages were moved into this book! "

he leans forward, looking up eagerly.
"Oh! And who is this friend of yours? Perhaps they can help us uncover more hidden truths? "

".... i would but... he died a long time ago" damn it oda.... you realy left me in the dark about what ever this is... dazai too

565 words

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