chapter 21

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Chapter 21- old habits

Dazai's pov

Its been 3 days now... after the aktugawa incident.  I haven't aloud (f/n) to come out again. Shes starting to grow more and more frustrated.

"Bro just let me outside! Am not weak! Besides they still see us as familythey wont kill us"

I  looked at her  "I know but I can't... I just can't take any risks with you. What if we're wrong and they don't see us as family anymore? I can't just risk losing you like that. I'm sorry but I'm not going to let you go outside." I know am playing the bad guy little sis but please.... its not JUST the mafia now... its many other people.

(F/N) pov

Why..... why is he like this again? Back to his old self? I  sit on the couch and then starts sulking.

Dazai looked at me and he noticed that i am growing more annoyed "Hey hey, come on don't sulk like that. Please don't be too upset with me, I just wanted to keep you safe is all. "

He says this and he sounds like he's desperately trying to soothe me and he sounds like he's really worried about me.
I then let out a loud sigh. "Just get to work already"

Dazai seems slightly sad with my response but he quickly gets back to work at that comment. He seems like he doesn't want to fight with me and he also seems like he feels kinda bad for upsetting.

"Alright alright, I'll get back to work. Just don't be too mad with me, okay?" He says this and his voice sounds more soft now.

I didnt respond. I just stays curled up on the couch. Dazai looks at me for a little bit and he smiles at me in an attempt to try and lighten up her mood. "Hey, come on don't be too mad at me, I didn't mean anything bad, alright? "

He says this and his tone sounds more soft and gentle now. He seems concerned about me and he seems to just want to try and makeme feel happier again.

But all hes doing is returning to his old habit.

Keeping his dog locked in a cage.

373 words

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