chapter 4

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Chapter 4- the problem

(F/N) pov

Once me , yosano and atsushi came back we where welcomed bye what seamed  to be a drunk dazai



Dazai and kunikida had been fighting for hours now and zero work has been done. At this rate we are going to be very behind with work. "Dazai bro get down please" i try to pull him down of the desk but he wont move.

"AH MY LITTLE SISTER JOIN MEE" dazai squeezed my cheeks and began to spin me around. "ow dazai!"

"Okay i had enough" kunikida jumped up on the desk behind dazai i hit him behind his neck knocking him out. I thanked kunikida then took dazai back home, i made sure my wig was still on just incase port mafia people are around.

One we both got home i threw dazai on the couch,man that guy is heavy. I walked to the kitchen to prepare coffee for us ready for when dazai woke up. I placed the cups of coffee next to dazai and knotised somthing.

A letter....

I looked at the paper and my eyes widened...

I know your alive (f/n)
You cant hide now
Mori wants you back
I need you back

You have 48 hours before we
trash the agency and take you
by force!

See you later Chu xx

Shit.... they found out, but how? They must of been spying on the ada and saw me! Welp this wig is now unless...

"Dazai dazai wake up!"

"Mmm five more minutes "

"The port mafia found me"



Chuuya's pov

(F/n).... in 48 hours you will be back.... back with us your family.... with me...

Why did you leave?

Was it cause that idiot dazai said to? Heh you never changed. Once a dog allways a dog.

I laughed as i watch from on top of a  building and into the two idiots window and saw them find the letter...

Time starts now...

"Boss... start the timer" i pulled out my phose and spoke to him. I heared the old man laugh "good... soon she will be back with her family"

366 words

Sorry a bit short ^^

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