chapter 10

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Chapter 10-  case

(F/N) pov

My first case! Oh am so exsited! Oh wow this is great i cant wait to start it! I read the file more. Looks like we are going to the area where these 'ladys of the night' are. Kunikida Atsushi and Tanizaki all glady joined me since this was my first case.

"Righ so let go into the house talk to the owner of the house then get out!" Sounds like kunikida dosnt realy like these kind of areas. After a while we arived at the building where the the kidnapped women lived. We knocked on the door and alot of women where there.

"Oh look ladys a group of men"

"Oh there so cute"

"Hello cuties!"

I saw Kunikida and Tanizaki Atsushi's faces turn red. "Sorry lady but we are here about a case... we got a report about missing ladys from this place so"

"Oh so you need the boss? Sure I'll show you" we followed the lady. There where a few other people here in this building talking to these ladys... however there was these two men that caught my eye... they just seamed to be looking and not.... doing things with the ladys.

"Hey kunikida while you and Tanizaki go to the boss can me and Atsushi go ask ladys if they know anything?" Kunikida looked at me and smiled "good idear that will save time" Kunikida and Tanizaki went off the boss.

"Err (f/n) are you sure its fine?" Atsushi lookied at me worried. "Yes plus... there where two men that looked...a bit sketchy"

Atsushi followed me as we looked over to the men... where these robbers maby? They seam to only take intress in the 'richer' looking ladys.. "exscuse me are you two the Detective?" A voice came from behind us.

"Ye we are. We are here about the missing ladys... do you know anything?" I asked the lady. The lady gave us a nod "those two men down there... have allwaysed been the ones taking them... they come every month" 

So those men are our culprits. "Thank miss we will sort it out" i thank the lady as she left but quickly turned back around "oh also here are one of the girls keys... they allways gave the girls an note so maby that could be useful "

"Oh thank you... lets go" Atsushi grabed the keys and we headed off to the room number the key  had on it. After a while we where at the door and unlocked it.

We went in and saw it a little dusty... the girl who was here must of been gone for a while. We looked around for any clues and atsushi found a note. It had the adress to this groups house.

Perfect we got an location!

"Hey i hear foot steps"

"Shh they could here us"

Shoot that must be those men...

486 words

Sorry this was paused for a while my wattpad app was have issues XD

Take case ^^

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