chapter 14

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Chapter-14 training

(F/N) pov

...what happened?

....oh righ.... i passed out..

I used to much didn't i?

"Heelloo sis wakye wakye"

"Uugg dazai shut up... my head hurts" i try to sit up but dazai pushed me back down "now now no rush" dazai then pulled the cover back over me.

He told me that they caught the gang that was selling off women and they where delt with,Thank god they are gone now. Dazai also told me that i should rest for a while after over whelping myself with my ability.

But then.... i thought came into mind "hey dazai do you think i could train myself?"

Dazai thought for a bit and then he gave me the approval to practice using my ability. Under one condition.... if i even feel the slightest bit dizzy i must stop.

After a few days of recovering i was ready to train

"Good, let's start then!"

Dazai then starts to concentrate on the task at hand and he takes a deep breath, he seems to be focusing his mind.

Now i am ready to start

"All right, try and copy
Someones power now."

He says this in a confident and commanding tone and his voice sounds as if he expects her to succeed. It's obvious that this tone is different from the usual,.

Now who to mimic? Oh i know

"Mimic by the book: For The Tainted Sorrow"

I activated my ability and gently lifted myself of the floor. I saw that dazai was keeping a real close eye on me.

"You got this" Dazai was trying to further boost my self confidence... after all Dazai knows that i can be capable of something incredible. After 5 minutes i started to feel dizzy. Dazai knotised this and quickly deactivated my ability.

Dazai smiles and he takes his hand off of my head and he pats my back in a comforting motion.

"You did well! Dont push now okay?" He continued to rub my back "yeah I'll just keep training" i gave him a big smile.

"That my sister"

350 words

I should be able to update more now!


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