chapter 1

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Chapter 1 -sneeking in

(F/N) pov

I looked around and tried to find dazai. Now that i think about it i dont know where he works or even works at all.

For all i know he could be in a gang that robs people... no no thats stupid dazai said we are going to be good people from now on. Mmm what is the opposite of killing people? Oh thats right saving!

But what job....

doctor? No

Fireman? No

Police... mabye?

Mabye this was a bad idear and i should go home- "Dazai you bafoon!" I heard a man yelling from across the street. I look over and saw a tall blond man with a ponytail draging... dazai i found him!

"Aww but Kuninada we just went passed a pretty lady-"

"Oh shut up where going to the office"

Oh finaly my chance to see where he works. Hehehe oh big brother your not hiding anything from me now.

After a while of following them they finally arived at dazais work place. Oh am so exsited to see everyone... without them know though is kinda bad but what they dont know won't hury them right?

"Dazai sit down and work" the blond man which i think dazai said was kunikinda threw him into a chair and pushed him into his desk. Wow this man realy takes his work seriously.

"Hey dazai... you didn't stay out long heh" a boy with white hair laughed awkwardly. Poor kid looks terrified,  then again if i had a co worker like kunikida i would be scared too.

Dazai puffed and slamed his head on the desk... and he told me he was 'a hard worker' such a lair. "Welcome back dazai" a tall man with grey hair came walking in and next to him was a smaller boy with dark hair.

"wow dazai i told you not to go out but you obviously did not listen" the lad crossed his arms and put in his glasses. "Pff oh please... i didn't come back empty handed did i?" Dazai looked over at the boy with a smirk on his face.

Why is he smiling so much

"Dazai's right" the boy wispered right down my ear....

wait he can see me?!

377 words

Yay first chapter

Due to college updates may be slow so be patients thank you ^^

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