chapter 5

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Chapter 5- count down

Tw: panic attacks

I'll let you know when the panic begins and ends. When you see // the first time its begins the second time its ended.

Also minor bad language



As i read the letter i felt my heart began to beat fast, my vision got blurry and my breathing became faster and faster. I could feel dazai's hands on my sholders and keep of saying those two words "keep breathing"

I couldn't help but breath i little faster. My chest starts to hurt as if i was stabed with a huge sword came down and went throw my chest.

The pain was unbearable. I hate this this.. i hate the mafia! "Icantgoback!icantgoback" i felt my self repeating thouse words over and over again. I felt my legs start to give way and dazai quickly  scooped me up and placed me on the couch.

"Listen to me breath in and out with me okay" dazai sat next to me and help me close. It was hard but i managed to adventualy copy his breathing and calmed down.








My chest still was in alot of pain but i could finally breath alot better now "good... you did good" dazai pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back gently "i wont let them take you back okay" he spoke in a gentle voice.

I gave him a nod "i trust you big bro"


Dazai's pov

I kept rubbing (f/n) back until i heard her snore. I could help but let out a small chuckle.  I picked her up and placed her on the bed. I walked to the wardrob/closet and pulled out a weighted blanket for her, shes gonna need it tonight. I gently placed it over her.

"Good night sis" i wispered as i closed her door. As soon as i closed the door i felt anger fill my body. I walked over to the letter and read it

"Fuck you mafia"


(F/N) pov

I woke up on my bed with my weighted blanket over me... what happened last night? Oh that right the letter. I have less then 48 hours now i hope we can think of somthing.

"Hey sis your up?" Dazai knocked on the door and walked in "ah your awake good! We need to go to the agency... i told them about the letter but they dont know our past so all we have to tell them is that 'they taken an intrest in you' undertood?"

I gave him a nod "understood" dazai then gave me a smile "good lets go" dazai then closed the door allowing me to get ready to go.

454 words

I had time for two chapters today yippiee ^^

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