chapter 15

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Chapter 15- solo

(F/N) pov

Its been a few days now. I have been training using my ability, safe to say i am finaly able to use my ability longer now! Mabye now i can finaly get back in action!
"Hey bro is there any new jobs?" I asked him.

Dazai nods " yes there is. Apparently, it's something to do with fire, the fire caused by it is very hot and destructive!
It seems like they're a pretty skilled user so it might prove to be a difficult task!"

He says this with a lot of determination and it sounds like his voice is saying it in a serious tone too.

"I can do it! Please!"

Dazai stays silent for a few seconds as he thinks, he seems to want me to be careful about this mission now

"Well, I was thinking that you could go out in the city and search for signs of the arsonist, and if you find any we could try and track them down and catch them"

His voice now sounds serious and he sounds like he's trying to be careful with the plan and he also seems like he's put a lot of thought into this

"So how does that sound?" He looks over to me and gave me a smirk. I ran over and huged him as i thanked him.

Dont worry bro i got this!

I walked around the city looking for clues. Luckily for me it didn't take long so see the trail of ash along side some of the buildings . I then follow the trail closely and i knotised that i was getting closer to the location of the flames and where the Arsonist could be.

As i follows the burnt path, the smell of ash continues to grow stronger and stronger. I could almost taste the ash. I then texted dazai that i found the arsonist and where his location was.

All i have to do is make sure this arsonist stays here.

I slowly made my way to the house. Man this ash and burn marks are everywhere.... how are the firefighters not here?

As i  peeks around the corner i finally found the Arsonist, they're standing in the middle of the storage room.
The Arsonist hasn't noticed me yet. But i can see that they're clearly about to start another fire again.

I gotta stop him!

The Arsonist then spotted me, they look surprised for a split second. They also seem to want to start another fire but i tackled the arsonist to the ground

"Your not going anywhere buddy"

434 words

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