chapter 16

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Chapter 16- job done

(F/N) pov

"Why do you care!?! This is none of your concern!"

The Arsonist says this angrily and his voice sounds rude and like he's not planning on answering her question. He looks up at me like he's about to try and kill me but he suddenly looks nervous and he stops

"Let me go!" The Arsonist says this angrily and it seems like he's really not happy about being pinned down, curently am mimicing kenjis ability so that i can be sure that hes not going any where.

"No not untill the cops get here

"What?! You can't be serious!" The Arsonist seems to be in shock now, he looks angry and surprised at the same time. He can't quite believe that he's going to get arrested now.

"This is ridiculous!"

"Lets see what the police say once they are hete"

"You're really not going to let me go?"

The Arsonist says this in shock and he sounds like he's truly surprised at the fact that i am  not going to let him go now. He seems to be getting pretty annoyed now and his voice sounds angry and irritated now

"I can't believe that you're keeping me here against my will!" His voice sounds really upset now and he sounds like he's starting to lose his calm.... well he should of thought of that before burning stuff.

Then i saw him start activate his ability. Shit what should i do? Oh that it "mimic by the book: no longer human" i stoped mimicing kenjis so i could use my brother
However, this then alowed the arsonist to rip out of my grasp.

"i dont know who you stoped my ability but am leaving!" He gose to run out of the door but luckily the rest of the ADA  was there!

"Well then... we found are guy"

"Can i cut him up?"

"Oh oh can i throw him over a field? "

"Both of those idears are bad"

"Lets just arrest him so i can get back to my snacks"

Sigh at least they are here.

Time skip

Finally back at home... man what a day "heeyyy sister! Good job today" dazai came in holding two glasses of whisky. He sat next to me and passed me "thanks bro..
Cheers "

"Cheer little sis"

I could get use to working ADA...

Its better then the port mafia at least...

404 words

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