chapter 12

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Chapter 12- saving

Atsushis pov

I told the others about what happned between the men and (f/n).

"Dame it we need to catch them" kunikida ran off to find out where the men went, me and Tanizaki followed behind. We managed to spot the three of them getting into black car. "I got the reg plate down! Tanizaki can you make us invisible while i contact the other?" Kunikida asked him.

Tanizaki gave him a nod and activated his ability. Dont worry (f/n) we are coming!

(f/n) pov

Its been around 30 minutes since we got in the car... cant say okay since these guys wont stop talking

"Whats your name?"

"How old are you"

"How long you been at that place?"

If theres a god please help me! I dont care i did bad things i wanna get out of this plase!
"Where here now come on" the men you i think where called Tsumi and Yokubo theb dragged me out of the car. I saw that we where at a very nice mansion. Some who lives here must be inportant then.

The men the draged me inside and took me up stairs where there where other people.
"Hey boss we got another" both of them threw me onto a chair, not a pretty one either.

"Aahh i see so your todays catch?" The man who i believe is the boss turned around and looked at me. Man is so buffed he makes me look like a weakling "mmm what do you say boys? Think shes worth anything?"

Atsushis pov

We managed to follow the men and (f/n) to this mansion. Kunikida has alerted the others and are on their way. Tanizaki used his ability to sneek us in and we where abel to take some people down without beening seen... hold of (f/n)

310 words

Sorry this was short i just felt bad not updating

I got 1 more week left till freedom


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