chapter 34

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Chapter 34- end

(Y/N) pov

"Why... why did you kill her to then? Also if you have the ability to disable abilitys... how was i made?" I had so many quetions to asked him

Dazai sighs " I made you with the intention of bringing you back, if that makes any sense. You see, my real sister and I had an interesting relationship... and when she died... I was destroyed. I did not want to be without her... no matter what the price was for bringing her back. The price of making you was having someone write on the page and exchange their life... He willingly sacrificed himself, so that you, my beloved  sister, could live"

"Can i ask who?"

Dazai then passed me the missing page.  I took the page and i read what it said

Before Odasaku died... he used this book to bring you back... he also tried to bring the other kids back that died in that explosion, that also had you in,

However the books ability was only able to bring back you... the memory you hold where altered so that you remembered nothing.

"So dazai... the memory of seeing oda dying wasn't true?"

Dazai pauses for a moment "...You... you... you remember that? Do you remember anything else?" He asked me.

"Its foggy but.... i remember  hearing  you and oda ... oda ripped out some pages from a book and pulled out a pen... you where holding me, trying to stop the bleeding from the bullet in me... oda said somthing but... i cant remember yet"

Dazai looked at me in shocked "You... remember that? But... But... How?!"

"I... dont know" i then felt a sudden pain in her head "Ow.. my head"

" Are you alright? " Dazai seems concerned for you as he puts down the book he was looking at and approaches you but still kept a slight distant  "You look pale..."

"Its probably... just shock"

"I see... You're probably right..." Dazai pauses for a moment, clearly thinking " Oh, I do have a question to ask of you" dazai then steped away a little. "Just, ah, don't tell anyone, okay? Promise me you won't tell anyone what I'm about to say."

"I promise i wont say anything"

"Thank you, I appreciate it... Okay, so my question... I've been wondering... " Dazai seems hesitant to ask the question "...What do you remember from before you were made by me?"

I thought for a bit "i remember out time in the mafia... us hanging out with everyone and all that... i remember thinking that oda was the one shot by the bullet but from what you said... wasn't realy right?"

Dazai gives me a nod "yes since you now know the truth... i wont feel bad doing this now" dazai walked over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder and note book.

"Farewell "

"Wait what are you?!" I felt dazai activate his ability " y-your erasing me?!" No he cant be right? I wouldn't kill me right?

"You know the truth that you deserved to know... you are also too powerfull,  i cant let you fall into the wrong hands... forgive me little sis"


"I dont wanna die again... not after knowing the truth... dazai please your my big brother you cant do this!" i felt dazai wipe away my tears. "Its for the best... now rest in peace.. I'll meet you again soon"

"NO WA-"

Dazais pov

After using my ability she was gone... i will admit i didn't want her gone but... it was for the best... i cant let my childish desires not let her rest.

I guess i have to let the others know now. The truth about (f/n)

622 words

Yeah this story was a real mess and am sorry XD

So yeah this is this end

Thank you for reading ^^

And am sorry again for a bad ending

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