chapter 17

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Chapter 17- back in the day

(F/N) pov

I remember those days... back in the mafia. Cold , dark and tramatizing for children.  Those days when me and dazai.... we where heartless 15 year old mafia kid.

7 years ago

I was looking for Dazai and i finally fount jim in the bar,seated at the counter while twiddling a cup of liquor in his hand. I sat next to him "hello brother" i looked at him... soulless eyes look at eachother

"Oh (f/n) I thought someone like you would be the last person to walk into a bar" he raises an eyebrow and smirks slightly as he takes a sip of wiskye

"you say that if its illegal"

he chuckles " How right you are. But we are already braking the law by beeing in the mafia so... I'll let you beeing in here slide"

He chuckels and takes another sip of whisky "Well you know the saying. It's only a crime if you get caught"

I nod in agreement. Dazai then gestures to the bartender to bring a cup of water for me.

"Here you are, little sister. What brings you here?" Hes asked while spinning on the stool like a 5 year old... are we definitely twins? I do quetion that sometimes.

"Mori... he's making me use my mimic ability. He is making me mimic an ability that produces ammo... he says it 'saves money" . i then let out a loud sigh "honestly i reached my limit like 3 times" probaly even more if i think about it.

Dazai chuckles "Of course Mori-san always thinks about saving a damn yen. What a cheapskate!" he takes one last sip of his whisky.

"We should go right? Who knows what trouble will happned next" i take one last sip of my water and stud up. Dazai also finishes his whisky "You and me always getting dragged into these crazy scenarios… "he lets out a deep sigh and shakes his head

" I agree, we should leave now. " he stands up and gestures for me to follow him "Come on. Let's go. I'll carry you if I have to." He looked down at me and smirked.

I looked up at him in confusion "In your condition? You said you can hardly lift a spoon, and i had to feed you... where you lying? " what am i saying? Of cause it was a lie... what am i going to do with you dazai.

411 words

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