chapter 23

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Chapter 23- military

(F/N) pov

I guess i got no choise do i... "let me see your ID's" i asked them. I opened the door slightly so i coul see their ID's.

The ID's read jono and tetcho.

I looked at the men that where wearing red military outfit and their faces matched there ID photos "... fine but not for long" i opened the door letting them in, i wonder if dazais mother instinks will kick in that i opened the door...

The investigators seem relieved as they come into the apartment.

"Alright thank you."

"So as I said, we need to ask you some more questions about this particular criminal." They both walk a little closer to me and started to ask the questions about this criminals they are looking for.

"So, did anybody else stay with you in this apartment or is it just you?"

"Just me" i lied... i hope jono and tetcho dont relize it. But looking at jono he sees right through my lies

"I can hear your heart beat faster.... your lying"

How sensitive is this mans hearing??!

"No... just me" i gotta calm down. If he can hear my heart who knows what else he could do , tetcho too.

*The investigators share a quick look again, both of them seem suspicious*

"We... can see through your lies. Is someone else in here with you?"

The investigator sounds more stern now and they're not backing down as they seem to be sure of someone else lives here

"Tell us the truth."

"But no one else is here?" I feel that lying about dazai noy living here is just going to get them growing in suspicion .

They both sigh

"Ma'am, we know someone else is here, there's no use in lying to us because we will find out one way or another." Jono sat down and crossed his arms.

There's a little bit of seriousness in his voice and he seems a bit fed up with my lying now "Just tell us before we have to look around to find this person."

"I am alone.... its just my brother is out of the town... there happy?" I am tenicaly telling the truth but the investigator still dont believe me

"Ma'am, we know someone else is here, there's no use in lying to us because we will find out one way or another." There's a little bit of seriousness in his voice and he seems a bit fed up with my lies now

"Just tell us before we have to look around to find this person."

Probably best to stop lying now "He is on a job right now... he wont be back for a few hours"

The investigators both seemed relieved by that answer as it seems like the truth
"Alright then, we shall start with the questions about this criminal. Do you have any information on this criminal who we are chasing right now?"

Tetcho asks this and he sounds like he really wants to get to work quickly. Wait is he eating an egg shell?!

"What dose he look like?" I asked them.
The investigators look at each other but they soon show her a picture of this criminal.

"This is the criminal we are looking for." Jono then pulled out a photo from his pocket and passed it to me...

It was a picture  of dazai when he was younger

569 words

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